The Communication Cube

The Knight Rider Series from the 80thes, is now out on Amazon Prime Video, unfortunaly, i fell asleep on the secont Part of the Pilot,
In Germany, they say in the Intro "Ein Auto, ein Computer, ein Mann", (A car, a computer, a man) , this could also fit ,me as i always carry my Pandora ^^

Could the Pyra CPU Board be used, to power a AI like KITT ?? , and whit Tesla, and Self Driving Cars these Days, the Series is now pretty actuall
Now I have to imagine you in a sentient Unimog that is constantly commenting on everything. :D

"Farm Rider"
[ duh dududu dududu dudududududu ]

“A four wheeled flight into the dangerous world of a man on his farm.
Matze Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the bees, the fields, the trees.
In a world of Tesla cars desperately looking for a loading station…”
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Pandora ditnt work well on the UNIMOG, i just made Tests, and its Hinge is too wobbly if you want to useit whyle you sit on the Passenger Seat of the Unimog on the Right
On normal Cars, its work pretty good..
Also a Reason why im happy that the Hinge on the Pyra will be much sturdier..
Couldn't think of a good thread to post the following in, so I'll use this one.

Humble Monthly is now Humble Choice. Instead of getting all the games when you subscribe, you now can choose which ones you want. Hooray, choice!

Honestly, it's probably not as bad as it sounds, and this probably allows them to feature better games, but man, couldn't they use more upfront marketing that doesn't make me wanna spew a buncha Orwell jokes?
  • Haha
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That's the thing though, you can't. I guess I should've included a link to all the info.

They curate over 10 games each month for you to choose from. The highest plan lets you pick nine.
Oh man, I just noticed today that Crusader Kings 2 went F2P back in October. I'm not sure what I paid for the base game, because I'm pretty sure I got it in a bundle or something, but I know it wasn't zero.
Could the Pyra CPU Board be used, to power a AI like KITT ??
maybe... but increased with a internet backend?

For a default neural networks (jump to minute 12 to see the laptop that is being used; I guess it's above the Pyra's 1.5Ghz but who knows, Linux is more CPU efficient):

But if you want to buy one, then they put in a 4Ghz CPU:

And the software is here (sadly, all for Windows):
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I found this a bit fascinating:

I now also have to go and watch KNight Rider again after 25 years.
LEGO games are such good fan games:

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From the same time as Knight Rider, (and some of the Trains and Tracks could be even from far more long ago, my Model Trains,
Build t
oday a track, after the Train was laying 25 Years untouched.. mostly working, only a Tank Engine ditnt move, but maybe it’s just a matter of some oil...
Dit someone have experience whit Modeltrains??
I now build the Track, and my Train seems to run, but at some point, the Engine seems to dotnt have enought gripp, maybe the Tracks are a bit bend due to the long time in the Box, or should i just run the train multible times, so the bit of rust on the tracks can be removed??,

And Should i open the Engines to clean they up and put some oil in `??, Is this divicult??..

Its a Modeltrain whitout Digital, just Electromotors, and a Trafo which puts current over the Middle of the Tracks..
LaVey "Satanism" is not Satanism. Real Satanists pretend to be "angels of light" and actually believe in and worship Satan. If you read the Satanic Bible then you should know that LaVey "Satanists" do not even believe in Satan. Satanists do not preach Satanism, instead they pretend to be godly.

I think that there is much more reason the fear Satanists than there is to fear many of the LaVey-ists (which is a better and less confusing term for LaVey "Satanists").
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Dit someone have experience whit Modeltrains??
I now build the Track, and my Train seems to run, but at some point, the Engine seems to dotnt have enought gripp, maybe the Tracks are a bit bend due to the long time in the Box, or should i just run the train multible times, so the bit of rust on the tracks can be removed??,

And Should i open the Engines to clean they up and put some oil in `??, Is this divicult??..

Its a Modeltrain whitout Digital, just Electromotors, and a Trafo which puts current over the Middle of the Tracks..
Inspect the tracks. If they bend inwards, then they will need to be straightened. If it's just a bit of rust then I'd be tempted to rub it off, but most half decent tracks should be made out of some kind of nickel alloy (I forget the name) which doesn't rust the same way that iron does. I wouldn't take an electric motor apart if I were you. I'm honestly not sure what sort of oil you would need for one, as I've never oiled one, just replaced them if they stop working - they're cheap and commonly available in model shops and odd markets and the like I think. But if I runs on some parts of the track I'd tend to think it's working fine, and something else is up with the system.

Your set it much better constructed than mine. We just had the bare tracks which were hell in terms of maintaining a connection on soft carpet. Tacking them down to fibreboard is a good idea there. Still worth checking the connections though, if you've got any kind of meter you can use.

A trafo seems to be a hump by the way, but that's in Malagasy - a language spoken in Madagasgar. So I don't know what it is. IIRC my hornby set transferred voltage across the tracks, one being +12V and one being ground, or something like that (I don't think I ever used a meter on mine).

Edit: Another guess: a trafo might be a transformer. The power supplies for these old model railway units were mainly just that, plus a half-wave rectifier to convert the low voltage AC to (bobbly) DC.
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Yes it’s a Transformator: it’s takes the 230 V from our Wallplug, and sends up to 16 V to the Train Engine via the Contacts in the Track (pretty dangerous for a Toy ) , so in this Analog System, it’s just a Volt Regulator..

I think if I want to drive more whit this train, I should bring the Engines to someone who knows how to make them work..

New Trains are mostly Digital , so you need new tracks, and new Lokomotives ..
The Track is just my Old Desk, so not that much Space for more then one Train,..

Today I tested the green Lokomotive, and it’s runs pretty good, I even got it to run over my track whiteout derailing ^^
Strange, I thought the function Prinzips of a Model Railway is Common Knowledge,

A Train Transformator, , give Power to the train and it’s runs...

First I want to use these railway Switch for a Parking Rail, but for the pure amount of Rails it would need for the Passenger Waggons and the Transport Waggons I don’t have enough Space left, so I made just a inner circle.. ,