The Communication Cube

I'm sorry, I apologise for noticing that his farm machinery has been fixed, is St Wally going to be joining us do you know?
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The TomTato
Finally finished Wind Waker.

It's now officially on my list of the worst games ever made.

At this point I wonder why I finished it at all, probably because I thought it might get better later on.
I got the feeling that they deliberately gathered terrible design decisions, because Ocarina of Time was just too good.
Remember the water temple in OoT where you had to go to the menu and change your boots all the time? It was like game-dev trolling right at you. Now imagine a game built around such a mechanic demanding it from you every few seconds throughout the whole game between lots of... waiting. You sit on your boat and wait until you're finally there a bloody lot, even with the transport whirlwind. Now combine this with A LOT of repeating unskippable dialogue, explaining you how to use a certain item every time you fucking find it... oh and be sure to watch the even longer than usual chest opening scene hundreds of times, even for small amounts of money (including the unskippable dialogue of there too of course). And the camera... oh gawd.... I can ignore the completely ugly art style but not all the rest.
I could go on like this for a while but it's no use, the whole game is full of such bullshit.
Phantom Hourglass was ok (although did not impress me), Spirit Tracks was bad, but this one takes the cake.
I'd rather recommend playing the GameBoy, NES, SNES and N64 Zelda games over and over again.
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