The Communication Cube

Ok so I would get a message soon from Amazon if it where one of them..
but I did decide that I should maybe use the MagGo Powerbank not in my Pocket..

But whitouth this Powerbank, I have space again for my E-Book Reader..

Gesendet von iPad mit Tapatalk Pro
Peony has been researching parts for her future body.

I used ChatGPT to explain to me those obscure BIOS settings (more obscure than usual) in my network appliance. An Intel N100 device by HUNSN.
It meant a lot of typing on my part, but otherwise it worked out great. Way better than searching online for what that shit means.
2 of my Powerbanks might be the Dangerous ones, allthough i did not had any issues whit them , one is the Anker MagGo 10k Slim, its got quite warm last Saturday when i did use it to keep my new Iphone alive whyle it did download lots of Musik (more than it should).. but other than that, it did hold up quite well this day...

Might be these new MagSafe Cordless Charging Devices are much more Power Evective than this other Cordless Charging Station i have which did empty an 10.000 mah Powerbank in just a few hours..

I think i will risk it just, its just a few Batteries from the whole Anker Production..
Perhaps you've heard recently about micro$oft and their cloud-oriented xbox strategy. This means you just need a thin client to display graphics rendered on the cloud and to handle the controller (pardon the pun). It's already rolling out.

What does this mean for the industry?

* M$ can undercut Nintendo & Sony by eliminating hardware requirements
* It's a pay-as-you-go model where individuals don´t own anything and basically rent games
* They can leverage their massive global cloud infra which the competition don´t have
* It's all about steady cash flows

I believe Sony would love to do this and have tried with seemingly little success - so far. The reason is we gamers tend to be horders and have insisted on physical copies. I believe future generations - who will almost certainly be poorer than us - will prefer to just rent games, especially since playstations are actually unnecessarily expensive.

And it's true... ps4 does remote streaming of ps3 games so it could foreseeably also stream ps5 games if the network can handle the resolution (which is a relatively easy problem). Of course Sony wants to ship playstations so they don't do this but they could.

People will say streaming is not fast enough for many games. I think games will evolve to the point where X milliseconds controller lag doesn´t give you a noticeable disadvantage. Games will become less fast and we won´t even notice. Indeed this happened with the Super Mario franchise when controllers went wireless. Try playing SMB3 world 8 with a wireless controller. You die. Super Mario Galaxy is fine though. Or maybe games will be a combination of cloud vs local processing, where minute interaction happen locally and fast. Just an idea. But I think networks will become fast enough.

And roms will effectively cease to exist.

I think m$ will be in a position of dominance soon and it's anyones guess what happens after that. We know everything they touch turns to shit. Their strategy scales extremely well and they have a serious advantage. It's a bit scary if you see value in competition.

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That was the model for Google's Stadia and it didn't work that well for them. It'll probably become more and more popular as fast and reliable internet connections become more common, but I doubt it'll become the only approach.

I think it'll be a bit like movies: even if subscription-based services are more and more common and popular, you can still buy physical copies and/or buy a digital copy (though you rarely buy it, you buy a license that let you watch the movie in some very specific conditions).

People will say streaming is not fast enough for many games. I think games will evolve to the point where X milliseconds controller lag doesn´t give you a noticeable disadvantage. Games will become less fast and we won´t even notice. Indeed this happened with the Super Mario franchise when controllers went wireless. Try playing SMB3 world 8 with a wireless controller. You die. Super Mario Galaxy is fine though. Or maybe games will be a combination of cloud vs local processing, where minute interaction happen locally and fast. Just an idea. But I think networks will become fast enough.

With a good optical fibre connection, you'll have more delay between your wireless controller and your terminal than between your terminal and the remote server. There are also some solutions like rollback netcode that can reduce the perceived lag. Unless the game really requires frame-perfect input (which is pretty rare outside of fighting games or speedrunning) it should be fine.
Thanks El Poco I always enjoy your opinions.

It's basically SaaS, which becomes more attractive the poorer we become. Rent instead of buy. Short termism.... Renting absolutely promotes inequality.
I think m$ will be in a position of dominance soon and it's anyones guess what happens after that. We know everything they touch turns to shit. Their strategy scales extremely well and they have a serious advantage. It's a bit scary if you see value in competition.
Makes me think about, how Poettering got his mycelium into the main Linux distros and is now working for M$.
Back in the Days, i had Gamepass on my XBOX ONEX, and i did try to Play the Flight Simulator 2020 via Stream, and it dit work some how...
Only got an Crash of the Game when i did try to start from our Local Airport and fly to another Airport (Zweibrücken) which is abandoned.. Found it impressive that its got that many Maps and Airports in this Game .. ^^

Yes the Games are going to be Slower and the Charakters are getting "more Heavy" .. , something like Quake got a quite fast Gameplay, while the newer Wolfenstein Games are much Slower: its Gameplay is a bit more "Stealty", its takes much more time to tell the Story.. but its plays different to the Old Shooters..
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I've been blown away by AI again.

You can download pseudo-open models from the usual suspects and run them locally using ollama. I'm starting with the smaller models because they are faster and am ffff amazed at how much knowledge can be crammed into 5GB. I keep asking the smaller llama3.1 with 8b parameters obscure and subjective questions and am amazed that it knows so much. Gemma2 is even better but slower. It knows which levels in super mario 3 has p-wings! The neural representation of data is ... wow.

I find it so fascinating to probe AI's. I could do it all day. Actually I do. ChatGPT taught me Rust.

I also think that AI's are already so good at grokking language and extracting information that it's difficult to imagine them getting substantially better. And if we do produce AI's that are phenomenally smarter (whatever that means) than humans would we even be able to perceive it? Does a chicken feel intellectually inferior to a chimpanzee? No. They are on completely different wavelengths and the chicken avoids the chimp. Humans do it too. If there's a group with one stand out intellect they tend to get ignored, ridiculed and ostracized.

So it seems the benefit of increased parameters or whatever will plateau. There is definitely progress to be had making models more efficient though, but that's non-functional changes.

This is who motivated me. I kinda identify with this guy - despite my lifelong vendetta with m$.

I also think that AI's are already so good at grokking language and extracting information that it's difficult to imagine them getting substantially better.
I tried via chat customization instructions to make ChatGPT always make clear which is learned or scanned fact and which is its own conjecture. Didn't work so far. When I test this specifically and it fails, I interrogate to find out how my instructions failed. It always tells me those are fine and it failed to adhere to them.
So yeah, I have an idea how they could get better.
If i ask her - I mean it! - what the coolest ps3 games are is the response scanned fact or conjecture?
Well, I would assume it's advertising.
Search engines answer what someone paid them to say, why should a more expensive product ever tell "facts" ?
@netcat For instance, I asked - first stating what was inefficiently implemented in earlier versions to convey what I'm interested in - how the internal representation of data in FastDDS' DynamicData objects has changed, since I already knew they've completely overhauled their dynamic type subsystem.
It told me exactly what I wanted to hear. It was a bit too good. So then I asked if those statements were based in official statements from eProsima or if ChattGPT made assumption or such.
It then told me, it had little detailed facts to work with and filled in the gaps with well-known best practises and such.
I'd be fine with that, if it used appropriate modifiers in its phrasing. But it doesn't and I cannot get it to.

And regarding Top10 questions and the like, I wanna say (from experiance, but my memory is shit) it tends to use phrases like "according to written reviews ... , but according to sales numbers ...". Things like that.