I don't know. I've heard there's a press conference right now somewhere in the USA.I saw on the news this morning that scientists have achieved a net energy gain from nuclear fusion for the first time. Well, I guess Biden solved global warming; what else can he do for you bitches?
I guess it's an important milestone, but practical applications and commercialization are still far away. It does look cleaner than gas or nuclear fission, but it requires enormous pressures and temperatures and I doubt how that
is going to be contained in a safe way in industry (not in a lab). They have now a 20% energy surplus, but they'll probably need more in order to make economic sense, since the equipment seems to be terribly expensive.
I'm more confident in distributed approaches, like wind or solar or better batteries, etc. There are also scientific advances in those fields often. AND SAVING ENERGY! less travel, less waste, etc.
But congratulations to the fusion boffins !
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