More context next time, Null.
Also, his Wikipedia page says he's an anti-natalist, which makes me wanna punch him up a bit.

More context next time, Null.
Also, his Wikipedia page says he's an anti-natalist, which makes me wanna punch him up a bit.
Makes me wonder what racing would be like if they actually went for max speed
Basically, I just want better crashes. If you survive your crash, you're kind of a poser.
And they mostly sucked.
It's a "true self" you haven't seen before. Clear lucid mind. All pain and sorrow gone. You'll feel loved, and part of something so big, so connected.I'm a little worried about the NDEs that say you'll remember your "true self" when you get to Heaven.
Yeah, quality has gone down in the past decade. It's mostly special effects and known actors that carry the movie, instead of the plot and photography.To be fair though, I've seen maybe ten movies in the past five years. And they mostly sucked.