The Communication Cube

I posted about this nine days ago, but just saw Sandi reiterate, that the only punishment for failing your life's mission, by suicide or addiction, is disappointment in yourself. Like I said then, I already have disappointment in myself; How bad can it be?

Shoot, I really need to make it to Thursday and get that extra medicine. Wonder if it counts as addiction. I mean, it is prescription. Does God want me to deliberately disobey doctors?
I need my morning meds, and they're still a half hour away. Maybe longer. Staff takes their time giving it to me too. Reads the notes first and stuff like that. One of these days I won't have time for that stuff.
Qualcomm is reportedly developing a handheld Android-based gaming system. Its current codename is "F you, ED, this is what we were saving our chips for."
I was just thinking, the S in NASCAR stands for stock, meaning they can't use parts that aren't available to the public. Makes me wonder what racing would be like if they actually went for max speed, since land vehicles can go at least twice as fast as stock.

Basically, I just want better crashes. If you survive your crash, you're kind of a poser.
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For some reason I got the feeling that I had made a similar post to the previous one on the internet somewhere before, but I can't find it. Kind of a relief, really.
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Just a musing: My main source of spiritual insight, Sandi, says John Wick was a horrible movie. Well, for her, anyway. It's all subjective, right?

I knew there was a reason I didn't bother watching it. To be fair though, I've seen maybe ten movies in the past five years. And they mostly sucked.
Today I learned that the entire Greek alphabet has been retired from use for tropical storms, due to causing confusion among the public. Now, instead, we'll have a whole second name list to use when everything goes to pot. Have a glance.

I'm a little worried about the NDEs that say you'll remember your "true self" when you get to Heaven.
It's a "true self" you haven't seen before. Clear lucid mind. All pain and sorrow gone. You'll feel loved, and part of something so big, so connected.
You'll get a little white stone, and on that stone, a new name. All you have to do is this
To be fair though, I've seen maybe ten movies in the past five years. And they mostly sucked.
Yeah, quality has gone down in the past decade. It's mostly special effects and known actors that carry the movie, instead of the plot and photography.
For example: I watched Jumanji (the new ones) and this week I watched the old one. And I enjoyed it more.
It's not just a comedy, but also a story of growth, growing pains and love and bullying and reconciliation with parents... problem solving, practical life advice.
The new one: Well, I liked the part where they are suddenly in different avatars. And the chemistry between the characters is ok. But that's basically it.

addendum: I also was very glad I saw "Bumblebee", after all those bad transformer movies (with the only redeeming factor they had the voice of optimus prime) the first 5 minutes just... were... awesome.
That rather depends on your taste in films. Sure, it you watch blockbusters only, there's been fairly poor examples, but that's been true for far more than ten years ago I reckon. Looking at the top 10 sellers each decade, it strikes me that you have to go back to the 1970s before there's not a real stinker in the top 10. The most recent pages also have critical lists of best films too, which are somewhat less turgid.

Edit: Yeah, Bumblebee is a decent film with it's heart in the right place, even if the bombast does override any sweet feelings I had by the end of it.
Someone was recently discussing “swap” partitions and whether or not to use them. I just came across a review of Rescuezilla on that mentioned making it easy to set up backups to a NAS with a swap file in the partition.

My question is what FOSS tools do people here recommend using for backup/restore/create+save disk image? Is Rescuezilla one of them?

Specifically, for using on a Windows PC when trying to work around the 0x80780119 error ( - another forum suggested giving up with using the Windows 7 system image creation tool and using a premium, closed source 3rd party tool but I prefer FOSS...)