The collapse is coming... one way or an other

If a train was headed over a cliff, after I'd stopped the train, I'd be asking which idiot laid tracks in said direction. Also, unless you're already in the cabin, you can't normally see out of the front of a train, so perhaps a coach would be a better example.

Also, I'm always suspicious of communities that opt for logos with four way rotational symmetry for some reason.
If a train was headed over a cliff, after I'd stopped the train, I'd be asking which idiot laid tracks in said direction. Also, unless you're already in the cabin, you can't normally see out of the front of a train, so perhaps a coach would be a better example.
It's a hovertrain and someone curious saw on googe maps, that their in a canyon, that only leads to certain death. That the driver is high, they noticed when they made their announcements. The stewardess is only concernt with having you not disturb the driver.
Also, I'm always suspicious of communities that opt for logos with four way rotational symmetry for some reason.
That went completely over my head.
The very least would be making education and awareness mandatory.
Too few want that financed.
Germans know. Think of a windmill with extra bits.
Go to the reddit page, observe the logo near the top left corner of the page has four way rotational symmpety. Try to think of other famous logos that have similar symmetry.
Didn't see the logo, and my math English isn't cultivated. What would "with four way rotational symmetry" be in math German? Wonder, if I'd get that.
Didn't see the logo, and my math English isn't cultivated. What would "with four way rotational symmetry" be in math German? Wonder, if I'd get that.
Not sure if trolling, but everything is Nazi, didn't you know?
Ich trolle nicht. Ich wußte nicht was mit "four way rotational symmetry" gemeint ist und, da mir das Logo entgangen war, hatte ich sonst keine Anhaltspunkte. Ich rätselte rum und meine einzige Idee war, vielleicht ein Rotationskörper bezüglich vier zueinander orthogonalen Rotationsaxen. (Eine n-dimensionale Kugel? Wie groß wäre n?) Weiß aber nicht, was ich mir darunter vorzustellen hätte. :) Drum frage ich, wie würde ein deutschsprachiger Mathematiker "four way rotational symmetry" übersetzen, also in feinstem Mathematikerdeutsch ausdrücken, weil mich interessiert, ob ich das korrekt deuten würde. Ich wußte auch nie, wie man all die Terme, Gleichungen, Ungleichungen, die ich im Informatikstudium benutzte oder bewies auf Englisch liest, da es immer mehr als genug Material auf Deutsch gab. Aber wenn Du das auch nicht weißt, ist auch ok. ;P
Ich trolle nicht. Ich wußte nicht was mit "four way rotational symmetry" gemeint ist und, da mir das Logo entgangen war, hatte ich sonst keine Anhaltspunkte. Ich rätselte rum und meine einzige Idee war, vielleicht ein Rotationskörper bezüglich vier zueinander orthogonalen Rotationsaxen. (Eine n-dimensionale Kugel? Wie groß wäre n?) Weiß aber nicht, was ich mir darunter vorzustellen hätte. :) Drum frage ich, wie würde ein deutschsprachiger Mathematiker "four way rotational symmetry" übersetzen, also in feinstem Mathematikerdeutsch ausdrücken, weil mich interessiert, ob ich das korrekt deuten würde. Ich wußte auch nie, wie man all die Terme, Gleichungen, Ungleichungen, die ich im Informatikstudium benutzte oder bewies auf Englisch liest, da es immer mehr als genug Material auf Deutsch gab. Aber wenn Du das auch nicht weißt, ist auch ok. ;P
To be fair, I don't even know if it's valid english maths. It's just clearly symmetrical about the centre point in a way that lines up four times round the circle.
I do not really care about oil predictions or climate predictions. Oil supposedly ran out multiple times since many decades ago if we are to believe all predictions made by MSM and climate change is often based on cherry picked data. Besides, I have little influence on those things and those things have little influence on me. The best I can do is prep a bit so that I'll be prepared when society falls, no matter what the cause is.

Something that really troubles me is the decline of health. Health issues cause far more damage and are far more beneficial to focus on since unlike climate change and oil shortage working on one's health will often provide results that are noticeable, and that's putting it lightly.
the oil industry is a huge juggernaut, and lots of people have no incentive to change from an oil based way of life. sentiment is changing (maybe we can stop financing the oil industry), regulation is good (carbon tax, anybody? pollution tax might sound more appealing to people). multiple prongs would be good, and on the "free market" front, i'd argue not to overlook the importance of supporting companies who can challenge the oil industry. individually there's not much we can do, but if we put our money into some worthy and "big enough" causes, i think we can succeed at dethroning the king.
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The bigger problem isn't oil running out any more, it's about it we burn much more of that oil it'll promote climate change too far to be comfortable.

While I dont disagree that using oil is f**ing up our climat (and thuss our futur). The way our society works directly depend on oil.
No farm works without oil. If the oil price hike, then food price hike the same way. I've just used food as a simple example. Think about anything you want, a pyra or whatever. It need oil to exist (or at least being shipped to you). It's as simple as this.
Our complete western world only exist because of oil.
Remove it from the equation, and we're all back to the fields or we die starving. There's no way to keep our current confort because oil pretty much act as if everyone of us had 300 slaves working for us.

And that's the reason why nobody realy act on the climat front. 98% of the people telling you that they do their part for the climat, are either liars or they just dont realise how many barril burn for them. I mean a vegan with an iphone in his hand and the lastest fasion tshirt will tell you he does more than his fair share to help climat change.

Yet from these 2 perils, I'm unsure which is going to kill the most people...
I disagree; as a species we've been farming long before we were drilling for oil. Now maybe those megafarms that fill the mid states absolutely need big combine harvesters, or just jeeps or something if they farm cattle, but those can be driven from a battery instead of burning diesel in a big engine, or perhaps given the size of them, hydrogen into a big fuel cell might work out.