Similar Topics suggestions... moveable?


Active Member
Sep 2, 2009
Hey everyone, I was just wondering if there's some setting I may not see that will move the similar topics suggestions between the last post in a thread's page and the quick reply textbox?

I don't want to just collapse it, I want to either move or remove it. Sometimes I browse these forums on my phone, and it's really annoying to have to go all the way down past the suggestions, and on my laptop it displaces the last post so it makes it kind of annoying to see what the last person wrote.

If there is no option, might I suggest having it moved below the quick reply box?

Thx! :)
I must admit, I'd also prefer the 'fast reply' box to be nearer the thing you're replying to.
Me too - I find it a bit jarring in the spot where it currently is. I do think it's useful, but right now I also think it's costing a little bit of usability. :P
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I don't use the mobile view on my phone for anything, where I have the option. Most often I find mobile views annoying since I usually just check familiar pages for updates; if I use a mobile view things are in different places I'm not used to. To be honest, I didn't even know there was a mobile view of the boards. :lol:
Looks like Opera Mobile doesn't really use the real mobile view (the browser I use to view the boards), but IE Mobile does. Looks pretty good, and you're right, the similar topics don't show in that view, but unfortunately I don't religiously use IE Mobile... ah well. :P
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Aha, there it is. I thought it would be something like or something. Never thought it would be a skin.
Aha, there it is. I thought it would be something like or something. Never thought it would be a skin.
This would actually be good. I really like the mobile version, but its a little* annoying to have to keep switching the view when I move from desktop to mobile.

*Just a little, I realise there are far greater problems in the world <_<
Actually, I've run into a problem with viewing the boards with the mobile theme on my phone: it defaults that skin to my profile, so if I come back to the forums on my laptop it's in the mobile view, not the full view. :|
Actually, I've run into a problem with viewing the boards with the mobile theme on my phone: it defaults that skin to my profile, so if I come back to the forums on my laptop it's in the mobile view, not the full view. :|

Hm, if you switch it manually, yes.

What phones do you use?

I know when I use Opera Mobile it automatically switches to the mobile theme and then you won't have that problem.
I've used both Opera Mobile and Internet Explorer. Strange that it switches automatically for you; I had to switch it manually in Opera Mobile on my phone. I think it was automatic in IE.

Edit: forgot to mention, I'm on Windows Mobile 6.5
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Actually, I've run into a problem with viewing the boards with the mobile theme on my phone: it defaults that skin to my profile, so if I come back to the forums on my laptop it's in the mobile view, not the full view. :|
This is what mine does. I'm using Opera Mini on a Blackberry.