The biggest computer/gaming mistake you have ever made.

Buying a computer with SDRam slots... just as DDR-Ram based mobos came out with much faster and cheaper parts. Doh
I burned a Floppy Drive.

Long Time ago connected i a Floppy Drive with

the Power Cable and something was wrong.

There was a burning Smell from the Computer then.

The Floppy Drive was Broken.
This one time I was playing a cronotrigger new game plus, I was 7-9 and I was level 91 on the snes... Anyways I noticed that I could do something around the foating fortess time and when you get the epoch. So you do the quest in front of it by walking. Then when you jump in it after the quest is done because that time had already past the game had no where to go to and ended in a locked screen and a loud SSSSHSHHHHHSHHSHHHHSHHSHHHHH

Thats when I thought "I may have found my first bug in code.. The job I always wanted to do." The biggest gaming mistake I made was not becoming a video game debugger. The job I have always wanted to do, but don't know how to get into~
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We then borrowed a friend's gamecube to play FF:Crystal Chronicles using the same video cable that the old gamecube used
did you just say... crystal chronicles? i can play that on my pc.  i used to play it all the time till i got stuck somewhere and was severely underpowered to the point of no return

i bought the pandora... and broke the left trigger button 8 months later. (by dropping it)

i managed to remap all the emulators to use 1 as L, but now. text editing is rather difficult.

i once had an acer (may all acers burn in hell) and the wifi was defective, it was brand new. however... i had some difficulties playing some games with it. also. i managed to get my windows xp (from 2000) to run sims3 BUT INCREDIBLY LAGGY

it had no pixel shaders. so i emulated them. it rendered awfully and barely had a problem with earlier games. (ones with a lower pixel shader model) games that were compatible were. shaiya, Flyff, Gunz, All IjjI games, Maplestory, and Soldierfront (old beta)
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Selling off my old consoles/computers as soon as I grew tired of them, I should have hung on as a few years later I was dying to play on them again.

I got rid of loads of stuff, PC Engine GT, Dreamcast, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, Amiga 4000, GBA, DS the list goes on.

:( :( :(
Selling off my old consoles/computers as soon as I grew tired of them, I should have hung on as a few years later I was dying to play on them again.

I got rid of loads of stuff, PC Engine GT, Dreamcast, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, Amiga 4000, GBA, DS the list goes on.

:( :( :(



Dude i could have bought that from you. i always wanted a dreamcast. ALWAYS
The Dreamcast can be found for $25, the Amigas really hurt..
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The Dreamcast can be found for $25, the Amigas really hurt..
Yeah a software development company in the city we used to live in closed down and I went and bought a load of their hardware.

There were 500's, 1200's a570 Cd-roms audio samplers monitors it was a real Aladdin's cave.

I kept most of the stuff for a good few years but after commodore failed and things like Day of The Tentacle, Doom and other high profile games didn't come out on Amiga I jumped ship. sold up and moved to PC.

I'd give my left nadger to get my collections back but it will never happen.

Most of my stuff was boxed in mint condition, to get it all back now in that condition would cost far too much.
I had bought myself a dreamcast game and was excited to play it. to my unfortunous adventures that day. i had no money to buy a refurbished dreamcast to play my newfangled game

that is why i bought a desktop to play it (all games run on Windows CE)

i bought an original DS. worst mistake ever.

I bought a 3DS best day ever.

I bought an n64 and my childhood was relived.

i bought a nokia. I cant seem to  destroy it.

I still have my nokia to this date. its crimson red and it still makes calls. (it accepts AA batteries. which is odd.)

I once used to play skyrim all day. untill i switched it to a higher difficulty.

I wish i never bought the pandora. if i had waited i could have had the PYRA. (but to play stepmania anywhere? thats a selling point.) ((if the pyra does not have stepmania ported. i will most likely ignore it.... if the controls are 6. il still buy it. if its 7. -avoid like the plague for any music based game.
The Pyra could still be a year or two away from production.
And to be entirely realistic there's an ever present chance that it may not happen at all.A Pandora in the hand is worth 2 Pyra in the bush, as the saying goes.
My biggest Mistake (Pandorawise) was, that i ditnt buy a GP2X Device (Wiz) while waiting for the Pandora to shorten the Waitingtime..

But for Pyra, i have the Pandora for the Waitingtime
My most recent gaming /computer mistake [and costly] was investing in a HYPERSPIN console.

It was way too much for me to take on. I was able to resell but lost 210 USD in the process.
A Hyperspin console? A arcade cabinet or a htpc with Hyperspin frontend installed?

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7000 mit Tapatalk 2
A Hyperspin console? A arcade cabinet or a htpc with Hyperspin frontend installed?

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7000 mit Tapatalk 2
Yes a console.

Not a cabinet but in a NMedia PC HPTC case with Hyperspin frontend and XBMC.
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Sounds nice! What was the problem?

I have a Hyperspin Setup myself and im planning to build a xbmc-hyperspin htpc myself.
My Hyperspin is running on a mini PC which is encased into a NES shell, this one, I love it but I could do with a longer cable :)
