Release The Battle for the Solar System - The Pandoran War


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is The Battle for the Solar System, a 2D action game with a story.

The events in the game are consistent with story of Books of the same name, and with the "The Pandoran War", I had to port it on the Pandora ;)

A video of the gameplay on the Pandora from Ingroreis.

The game is fullspeed on Gigahertz, a bit chopy on CC (and probably also on Rebirth).
The game is best played with a mouse, but Nubs can be used (and so is the TouchScreen too).

With build 02, the game should be playable with DPad. The controls are are:
Left/Right : Rotate ship
{L}/Left-clic : Fire
{R}/Right-clic : thrust
{A}/D : ECM
{X}/W : Boost
{B}/Middle-clic : Missile
{Y}/Mousewheel-down : Switch gun
0/Mousewheel-up : Radar zoom
Down/S : Brake
Up/A : Target

History log

Build 04

  • Based on v1.0 released
Build 03

  • Based on v0.5 released
  • Not compatible with preview save!
Build 02

  • Refined controls.
  • Optimized galaxy map drawing (and possibly ingame too)
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some Pandora customization (forced fullscreen, shoulder as mouse buttons)

Attached is the diff for the Pandora version.


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Awesome music... still learning how to control it. But so far I like the fact you can just touch the screen to shoot in that direction. saves aiming.
Very smooth on the 1Ghz.
New build, faster and more playable on the Pandora.

The controls are are:
Left/Right : Rotate ship
{L}/Left-clic : Fire
{R}/Right-clic : thrust
{A}/D : ECM
{X}/W : Boost
{B}/Middle-clic : Missile
{Y}/Mousewheel-down : Switch gun
0/Mousewheel-up : Radar zoom
Down/S : Brake
Up/A : Target

Build 02

  • Refined controls.
  • Optimized galaxy map drawing (and possibly ingame too)
Good work on the ports, ptitSeb.

Is the source code for your changes available anywhere? You could post the sources on GitHub or somewhere like that.

Also, could you change the Additional Info section of the package:

You've said that the books are Open Source. They're not, they're commercial. If you could just take out the "OpenSources Books" bit, that would be cool. I just don't want there to be any confusion that the books are free when they're copyrighted*.



(* - the First Edition of "The Honour of the Knights" is available under Creative Commons, however the other books are copyrighted).
Good work on the ports, ptitSeb.

Is the source code for your changes available anywhere? You could post the sources on GitHub or somewhere like that.

Also, could you change the Additional Info section of the package:

You've said that the books are Open Source. They're not, they're commercial. If you could just take out the "OpenSources Books" bit, that would be cool. I just don't want there to be any confusion that the books are free when they're copyrighted*.



(* - the First Edition of "The Honour of the Knights" is available under Creative Commons, however the other books are copyrighted).
Sure, I remove that part, sory for the mix-up (it's done)
And I'll put here the changes I have done (not much, and mainly Pandora specific for the keymap).

And welcome @stephenjsweeney and thank you for this game! :)

@ingoreis : thank you for the video, I've put it in first post and on the repo.
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New build on the repo, based on new version. The game seem vaster, and is also more difficult.
But it's not compatible with previous saves, you'll have to start over.

Build 03

  • Based on v0.5 released
  • Not compatible with preview save!

Also,@stephenjsweeney (and other), I have attached the diff or the Pandora port in the first post.
Great work, ptitSeb!

I've taken a look at the diff, and there are far fewer tweaks than I was expecting. I'll try and incorporate some of those into the main code (will probably create a control config so that WASD isn't hard coded, too).

Hmm, shame the save games weren't compatible. I'll make an effort to ensure v0.5 saves work with v0.6.
Thanks @stephenjsweeney . I try to make as few changes as possible to stay closer to the author work. I've just made a few optim changes (the drawCircle made the Galactic map smooth even when many system are "blinking"), and the keymap mainly.

the v0.4 -> v0.5, I got a segfault try to continu, so I start over. I was expecting that behavour anyway. If I understand well, the whole scenario has been reworked, so even if it was compatible, the previously done missions would have changed and should be redone anyway. Compatibility is intersting only if the story is expanded, and existing mission has not changed much.

And by the way, congrats for your game, it's already really polished and plays well!