Text Adventure Game

Hey, guys.


Now that that's done with...

Spam PMs to Blue Protoman

You log in to your account, and look for somebody named Blue Protoman, so you can spam his PM inbox. You don't see his name listed anywhere, even after searching the Members list.


*Ticket (Right Hand)

*Wallet (Left Hand, $35)

It is now 1:10 PM. What will you do now?
i think you be much better off looking for Blue Protoman in any random thread on these forums instead of the members list, hes usually the guy all the way at the beginning of any thread
Jump out of window to see if I can fly.

You open your window and jump out to see if you can fly. No, you can't. Luckily, since you live on the first floor, you are not hurt.


*Ticket (Right Hand)

*Wallet (Left Hand, $35)

It is now 1:15 PM. What will you do now?
I forgot I was in the US and was actually on the ground floor. To effectively test flying ability I must jump from somewhere higher.

Go to roof and jump off.
I forgot I was in the US and was actually on the ground floor. To effectively test flying ability I must jump from somewhere higher.

Go to roof and jump off.

You walk up to the top of your building, six stories. You jump off to see if you can fly. No, not only can you not fly, but now you're plummeting towards your death!

You hit the ground. Splat.


Deaths: 2

But fear not, for you will be given another chance!

You log in to your account, and look for somebody named Blue Protoman, so you can spam his PM inbox. You don't see his name listed anywhere, even after searching the Members list.


*Ticket (Right Hand)

*Wallet (Left Hand, $35)

It is now 1:10 PM. What will you do now?
Go to the red light district and look for the services of a PRO-stitute.........

You decide to go to the red light district and perhaps find a prostitute. There are none in your town, though; you're better off picking fights with gang members (of which there aren't that many).
Find a gang member and Dragon Punch him.

You exit your apartment to seek out a gang member so you can Dragon Punch him. But you don't know where a hideout of one is.


*Ticket (Right Hand)

*Wallet (Left Hand, $35)

It is now 1:15 PM. What will you do now?
Find a gang member and Dragon Punch him.

You exit your apartment to seek out a gang member so you can Dragon Punch him. But you don't know where a hideout of one is.


*Ticket (Right Hand)

*Wallet (Left Hand, $35)

It is now 1:15 PM. What will you do now?
Lick the floor.

You go back inside and lick your floor. Nothing happens.


*Ticket (Right Hand)

*Wallet (Left Hand, $35)

It is now 1:20 PM. What will you do now?
Stare into the distance until 9 PM

You decide to stare into space until 9 PM. However, you get bored after the first five minutes.


*Ticket (Right Hand)

*Wallet (Left Hand, $35)

It is now 1:25 PM. What will you do now?