mine.. looks miles better in realife as its totally out of focus, can't see the detail and the flash washed it out along with my skin! im not anemically white.. never realised how akward it is to try an take a picture of the side of your upper arm!
Never do what i did and get it with the minging hangover, had the sweats and embaressingly had to go for a humungous shit half way through.. bet people in the palour thought i was being sick! lol :rolleyes:
4 mates got pissed on a mates birthday during thecourse of the evening they decided to go to a tattoist, cause they couldn't decide what they wanted they 3 of them had a P in a cricle for Petes Party tattoo'd on there arm. Pete never got one

I still take the piss out them to this day! considering for 2 of them its there only tattoo
If your going to get it done go to a tattoist which is always very busy, had to que for 2 hours to get mine done.. sign of a good tattoist is a very busy tattooist.
Although i wouldn't mind a couple more, I kind of think one is enough is really enough
By the way make sure you really want it as removel is expensive and very painful
My old land lord was having one from his fore arm removed and he said it s 10 times more painful than having it done, they basically burn it out your skin, all the skin blisters looks horrible, and thats over 10 sessions at £100 a time..