Steem -Atari ST- port to Pandora request / Dev complains about Linux


Advanced Member
Sep 7, 2010

Atari-ST has always been one of my favorite systems and any additional ST emulator would be nice to have. - still waiting for the OutcaST port from Skeezix :)

According to this Steem should be able to run on Linux so maybe on Pandora too. The developer is not a big Linux fan though so he is blaming the OS for all kind of issues.

Well.. maybe a dev from this board can look into his problems and check out the latest beta build - from nov 30.


Thread about the Linux port

Would be nice to have a fully working version on the Pandora. Interested too what developers on this board make of the complaints from the Steem developer.
If I remember correctly, it contains significant portions of x86 assembly.
Theres an OutcaST building floating around somewhere, pretty sure :) But Hatari pretty clobbers most ST emulators pretty handily, so thats the main one I support nowadays :)

Gotta love his attitude :/ "To me it's been a surprise that with all the programmers in the Linux environment, nobody did anything with XSteem, the Unix/Linux build of Steem, so that it was all left to me". Yeah, all those people just live to help you out dude :)   The term is "entitlement" :o   Most open source projects don't have any additional devs.. but does he think his is so important, people should be throwing themselves at it? Lets blame Linux community at large for this.. get Oracle on the horn now! :)

"source to make it run correctly, because Linux broke compatibility" <- yes, when you port somewhere, it requires changes. Duh :)

"Changing your Linux distro without hosing Windows is easier said than done" <- okay, so he's not at all a unix/linux person, he's just being a noob and is angry about it because he's an expert a ${preferred_OS}. Thats the real problem here.

.. his bitchinh is mostly .. 'I like doing X, and I do not want to learn Y'. It would be the same from going OSX to Windows, Windows to OSX, or any from this to there. If he's really so unhaappy with doing the port, it is amazing he did it at all (nice of him to do.) One could easily do the same.. if windows is so great, why does he have to include a bunch of dll's in his source distro? Or putting his own name in the code? :)

#if defined(STEVEN_SEAGAL)

#include "SSE/SSEDecla.h"

#include "SSE/SSEParameters.h"

#include "SSE/SSEOption.h"

#include "SSE/SSEFloppy.h"


But the attitude is a little off... but then again, it may just be born out of frustration, so gotta cut him some slack.

There is a fairly large (though not really large) group of ST hackers around, he shoudl hit atari-forum and see if anyone would take it on,.


That all said .. doesn't look like that much asm, and he might have C versions in there as well. ie: mostly the rendering stuff.

Shouldn't be that bad a port, but I rather have enough on my plate for now :(

I think the atari-community was requesting him to do a Linux port, so it is indeed already pretty nice he even tried it. His tirade against Linux also seemed to me just lack of knowledge and support.

Hatari is good, but I don't like the way it handles savestates.
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Atari-ST has always been one of my favorite systems and any additional ST emulator would be nice to have. - still waiting for the OutcaST port from Skeezix :)

According to this Steem should be able to run on Linux so maybe on Pandora too. The developer is not a big Linux fan though so he is blaming the OS for all kind of issues.

Well.. maybe a dev from this board can look into his problems and check out the latest beta build - from nov 30.


Thread about the Linux port

Would be nice to have a fully working version on the Pandora. Interested too what developers on this board make of the complaints from the Steem developer.
why don't you install Debian on your Pandora? 

If you would have, I can compile you the last version of hatari 1.7.0

Hatari v1.7.0 - the Atari ST, STE, TT and Falcon emulator.

Hatari is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Hatari is good, but I don't like the way it handles savestates.
hatari has still a very very old fashion user interface. 

It could look like dgen

Please do not hesitate to give your impression/wishes to hatari dev.

Debian or Slackware is indeed on my to do list. Might try Hatari 1.7 then

I would take a stab at it, but I'm barely holding it together as-is here, so siding to .. not :)
No problem, we still have Hatari. Maybe later when you have some more time or if another dev feels like trying..

Debian or Slackware is indeed on my to do list. Might try Hatari 1.7 then

I would take a stab at it, but I'm barely holding it together as-is here, so siding to .. not :)
No problem, we still have Hatari. Maybe later when you have some more time or if another dev feels like trying..

If you would like to install Debian, since I did it, I may help you anytime. 

I did the debootstrap method. 

( you may find my email under contact: )
Jump three months in the future...

No 1.8 yet, last tag is 1.7.0, eight months ago. But still many commits on the Hg repository, so something MUST be coming. Hopefully.

@Skeezix, if/when an update is in the plans, there's something that could be made more convenient, quick access to the savestates Save/Restore.

The documentation states that ALTGR+K and ALTGR+L do this, but I couldn't find what AltGr key (or combination of) is on Pandora (not even sure there is one).

The configuration file found in hatari.skeezix seems to bind them to 107/108 codes, that are in SDL key code table respectively SDLK_k and SKLK_l, but in the section [shortcutsWithModifiers].

Digging the source code (shortcut.c) that "WithModifier" table seems to triggered by KMOD_RALT | KMOD_LMETA | KMOD_RMETA | KMOD_MODE.

So... good news is AltGr, Left/Right Meta and "Mode" (?) key would work. Bad news is we have none of this, if I'm correct.

Upon your next release of Hatari (1.7 would do, I'm sure there's already some value added over 1.6.2), what about adding KMOD_RSHIFT in the list, so that Left trigger acts as the shortcut key ?

It would be much more convenient that the current Start + 7 clicks to save and Start + 3 clicks to load. Screenshots, reset, well all shortcuts would be welcome too.

Thanks in advance,


[Edit] Ok, should have thought a bit more before writing. I finally just binded Load/Save to codes 303/305 in [shortcutsWithoutModifiers] table, works like a charm, except for the confirmation dialog upon saving.

Still, having a valid "Modifier" Key on Pandora would be welcome, to give access to all other shortcuts without reserving useful keyboard keys for that.
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