•i Wonder What The Price On Xgp Will Be


Mar 29, 2005
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Yeah I ordered a gp2x from gp32z.com and im going to use that untill the XGP comes out.

I know I know.. no emulators but its much better for videos which is what I would use. For the tiem being though the GP2X beast will be used for it. (Screen Size, Battery life etc :P).

It also has tv-out and some rumors/facts I found ...
•Internal Memory for storage of emails, IM's [rumor]
•Doubles As a Cell Phone [its obvious since it has the numpad :P]
•Wi-fi [confirm, since it is in fact a cell phone]
•3d Accelerator for Commercial Gaming.
•2 Sd Card Slots [rumor?]

I dont think the XGP will have any homebrew unless people decide to hack it, doubtable.. But even so it would have the same emus as the XGP if it were to. Full speed SNES being the highest of course... Since i got it near fullspeed at 192 on a gp32.

The GP2x is basically a gp32 with a lil more speed and memory to accomplish full speed SNES emu in my eyes. Anything else beyond that wont be possible so I dont even know why i bought it :P Prob cuz I cant get a XGP soon enough.

So im just wondering how much a XGP would cost in USD :P Cuz I couldnt find any estimates.. Prob around the price of a Tapwave Zodiac 2 perhaps?


Drak. ~Damn bandwidth :P
First off any pics you saw of the XGP, are just prototype photos, so don't expect certain things.

The GP2X is also more than just "a little" more powerful than the GP32.

The price of the XGP hasn't been released, but expect more than the GP2X.
If they plan on getting real commercial support, USD$299.99; if they wont really have much at hand to offer in games, USD$229.99.
It will cost one arm, a leg, five teeth, your first born and an angle wing.

In other words who knows seeing as they're redesigning the thing from the specs we originally knew.
First off any pics you saw of the XGP, are just prototype photos, so don't expect certain things.

The GP2X is also more than just "a little" more powerful than the GP32.

The price of the XGP hasn't been released, but expect more than the GP2X.

Does it matter if the Gp2x is more powerfull? it only needed a little umf' added to it to achieve fullspeed snes. Its not like its going to emulate psx or n64 roflwaffles :P
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Wi Fi has nothing to do with the cell phone features. Different frequency, Microwave vs RF.

Its being redesigned completely, so I don't believe any of the features you stated are iron clad at the moment so there is no way we can know. We also don't know the specifics (Example: 3d accelerator? Company? Chipset?)

My guess is they'll try to keep the price near or lower than the PSP. It is competing with it, after all.

The GP2X has two CPUs, one is a 2D accelerator, plus TV out, more RAM, SD card support, and a real operating system packaged with a video player and codecs. And they didn't do it just to make SNES games run faster. In other words, the 2X isnt just a more powerful 32. It is far more capable than a 32 in all aspects and therefore we will see some GREAT 2D and some good 3D for the thing very soon. You can do ANYTHING you want on the thing in 2D. Imagine a Ragnarok-style rpg in a crowded town of people, all animated. Such a game, when written for the 2x and optimized for the 2D accelerator, is close to childs play on the 320x240 screen.

You're really underestimating the power of your own device. Let you be pleasantly surprised that you were wrong.
Wi Fi has nothing to do with the cell phone features. Different frequency, Microwave vs RF.

Its being redesigned completely, so I don't believe any of the features you stated are iron clad at the moment so there is no way we can know. We also don't know the specifics (Example: 3d accelerator? Company? Chipset?)

My guess is they'll try to keep the price near or lower than the PSP.  It is competing with it, after all.

The GP2X has two CPUs, one is a 2D accelerator, plus TV out, more RAM, SD card support, and a real operating system packaged with a video player and codecs. And they didn't do it just to make SNES games run faster.  In other words, the 2X isnt just a more powerful 32. It is far more capable than a 32 in all aspects and therefore we will see some GREAT 2D and some good 3D for the thing very soon. You can do ANYTHING you want on the thing in 2D. Imagine a Ragnarok-style rpg in a crowded town of people, all animated. Such a game, when written for the 2x and optimized for the 2D accelerator, is close to childs play on the 320x240 screen.

You're really underestimating the power of your own device. Let you be pleasantly surprised that you were wrong.

The GP2X has more like 5 to 7 processors

2 main ARM9 at 266mhz

A hardware 2d accelerator

A hardware frame processor

A hardware post processor

A video post processor

and an Image and camera processor

look here for the specs on the main system-on-a-chip:

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You're really underestimating the power of your own device. Let you be pleasantly surprised that you were wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No offense meant, I just think you haven't been here: MMSP2
You're really underestimating the power of your own device. Let you be pleasantly surprised that you were wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No offense meant, I just think you haven't been here: MMSP2

wow I did check out the site.

it said it can do USB host. so there is hope for usb host on the gp2x then. (if my logic is right. but don't hold me to that just a guess. and I'm not an expert)
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The only obstacle I can see is whether the connections from the processor are available to connect a usb chip to the main processor.

I wouldn't get my hopes up, the uart's go to the EXT port for addons at least, even if we don't have USB Host.
wow I did check out the site.

it said it can do USB host. so there is hope for usb host on the gp2x then. (if my logic is right. but don't hold me to that just a guess. and I'm not an expert)

The USB chip on the MMSP2 is only USB 1. GPH added a seperate USB2 chip which does not support USB host. It might be possible for someone to hack open their GP2X and add a second USB port which is USB1 and supports host mode, but I don't really see why someone would.
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wow I did check out the site.

it said it can do USB host. so there is hope for usb host on the gp2x then. (if my logic is right. but don't hold me to that just a guess. and I'm not an expert)

The USB chip on the MMSP2 is only USB 1. GPH added a seperate USB2 chip which does not support USB host. It might be possible for someone to hack open their GP2X and add a second USB port which is USB1 and supports host mode, but I don't really see why someone would.

The XGP is so sexy looking compared to the gp2x :P But those were only concept pictures but still!

Anyway... I mite end up having both of them cuz I got enough money... I think :P

Untill I get bored of the emus I guess ill keep the 2X in my hands.
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You're really underestimating the power of your own device. Let you be pleasantly surprised that you were wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No offense meant, I just think you haven't been here: MMSP2

The 940T core is used for the 2D acceleration. And I really don't know what you're getting at, my summary was "the GP2X is uber powerful". He (the creator of this thread) claimed its an upgraded GP32, which I quickly shot down.
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You're really underestimating the power of your own device. Let you be pleasantly surprised that you were wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No offense meant, I just think you haven't been here: MMSP2

The 940T core is used for the 2D acceleration. And I really don't know what you're getting at, my summary was "the GP2X is uber powerful". He (the creator of this thread) claimed its an upgraded GP32, which I quickly shot down.

Who cares? Its not like any 2d or 3d homebrew games that will be made that are actually good. Itll be just like the gp32 homebrew games scene with alot of cheesy space invader games lol.

SNES. Thats all itll do extra :P kk
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Who cares? Its not like any 2d or 3d homebrew games that will be made that are actually good. Itll be just like the gp32 homebrew games scene with alot of cheesy space invader games lol.
SNES. Thats all itll do extra :P kk

Actually, a gunbound clone is said to come out, and you'll more than likely see some awesome games now that you have the Linux homebrew guys workin on it. To say it wont have any good games before it is even officially released is simply idiotic.
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Who cares? Its not like any 2d or 3d homebrew games that will be made that are actually good. Itll be just like the gp32 homebrew games scene with alot of cheesy space invader games lol.
SNES. Thats all itll do extra :P kk

Actually, a gunbound clone is said to come out, and you'll more than likely see some awesome games now that you have the Linux homebrew guys workin on it. To say it wont have any good games before it is even officially released is simply idiotic.

Gunbound is only fun online lol.

And i do remember that I liked smash gp and that Sushi Panic one :P Those were fun games... all the others werent too great hehe.
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Actually the chances they'll go ahead with the XGP now they have to redo it all, and everything are very slim. If they still go ahead with it, they'll have to outdo the PSP in hardware, make it open source, get THE best hardware scaler (to compensate for the widescreen stretch) get a very fast display that doesn't ghost like the PSP, full 3D GPU support, DRM to ensure hacker-resistant games (unless they build their own cartridge interface for commercial games, which I doubt) And to outdo anything out there now, they will need at LEAST 128 megs of DDR-type ram, better at 400MHz for that (2x200)

So all told, I'm guessing anywhere from 275-350 US at LEAST to have all the features they need to compete with anything out there now.

If after all that, it's worth it to go ahead still, from what I'm guessing, they'll not make too much from the sales of the units themselves, since they probably wont sell more than 2000 tops, at least within the first year.
The problem with the potential power of the 2X is that it relys on people actually taking the time to tap that potential. If all people do are ports of existing applications without actually modifying code to use it's power.

I feel like the GP2X is like a PS2, difficult to program for but can produce really nice things if people take the time. But the problem here is getting people to take that time. I'm glad to see though that there are people willing to face the challange, NK seems to have stepped up to the task which is awesome and he's not the new Rlyeh, we're not done with the old one yet!

I think what we need is a tutorial for developing on two processors for the potential devs along with the MagicEyes docs we have.