Some GamesCom Retro-Area pictures


Staff member
Well, here are some pictures from the Rereo-Area of the GamesCom.

Enjoy :)

First, let's start with a few pics from our booth:

Pandora poster, Everdrives, Homebrew games for the NES and the Retron5.


Some classic GP(H) stuff and a Dragon and Lemming plushie (made by Prometheus):


Pandora playing area (when it wasn't that crowded):


The Pyra area - with a devboard running a FullHD desktop with two PSX emulators, a MegaDrive emulator and GIMP at the same time:


Pyra Backstage: Inside our cabin is where the interesting stuff happens.
Hacking on the devboard to get different stuff working (display, 3D games, etc.)


Next to our booth:

Petro Tyschtschenko (some might know him) with a few nice Commodore pics and an actual working Walker Prototype (there are only two out in the world - and it was never in production!)


On with some pictures of classic computer stuff.

It's the GameBoy anniversary :)


A lot of classic but pretty unknown computers were there:


Remember that cute little guy? :)


Some self-built-simulator:


Classic Arcade and Pinball machines (and a not-so-classic brand new Star Trek pinball):


A Vectrex in great conditition - and some Cinemaware classics:


Folks having fun playing classic games:

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Most fun area on gamescom :)

Seen the gameboy display, I missed the first DS, maybe I've looked over it.
Are we supposed to make any particular inferences from the fact that the terminal on the Pyra screen is open to a subdirectory of /dev/reicast-emulator/ ? :D
Oh, man.  So many pics to comment on.  I find it funny when people take pictures of people taking pictures.  Date listed for that black Game Boy is wrong (maybe other stuff, too). 

Is that a pic of one of the test screens connected to the dev board?  Is there a problem with the rotation chip, or is stuff still being worked on?

I really need a C64.  Good catch on the Star Trek pinball, I was going to say the same.

Thanks for the pics.  I wish I could be there.
Great pics indeed. :) And these plushies from Prometheus are the best, she really has talent for that, impressive work.

I guess I would stay the whole day just in the retro corner of the convention if I could. :D  They even have pinball machines there, how great is that!

Oh, and here in the background, that's an GDR "Stern Radio" cassette recorder, my patrents still have one in their kitchen, old but unbreakable (mostly). My Dad payed afaik a east german fortune back then to have it, these radios were top notch 40 years ago. ^^
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That dragon picture open on the Pyra is really cool.  Might you be willing to upload the file so I may better view it?
Nice pictures and video too.

I can't see the pics with Petro....i remember him @ Pianeta Amiga (empoli 1999) also we shook hands there, nice person
Thanks, ED¬

Awesome pics! Love the 2 plushies made by Prometheus.
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Looks great, many thanks for the photos, looking forward to hearing about peoples reaction to Pyra & also what they thought about Pandora of course. :)
Great pictures! It looks like everyone is having a lot of fun. I have always wanted to play that pac-man board game. I really wish I could had participated but I live way too far. The Pyra is looking amazing.