something bizzare seems to have happened
I attempted to ping and ping just hung completely. no responses and no 'no responses' messages.
I then saw SiNGLerLT's message and tried traceroute on and was suprised to find that I got the following response:
1. 58.594ms 5.310ms 15.747ms
confused, I tried to Ping once more and responses were coming back. I loaded up the web browser and everything is working just fine, for now!
So, puppydee, open a terminal window from the pandora menu and give the following steps a go, though I have no idea why they should have gotten it working(!):
type: ping
wait a few seconds, nothing should happen. Hold the right shoulder button and press C
type: traceroute
hopefully you should get the response "1." followed by some numbers
type: ping
hopefully you should get a list of response times. If so, again hold the right shoulder button and press C
run your web browser and hope it all works nicely.
good luck.