WiFi / Static-IP configuration


Still Fresh
Sep 19, 2012
My (wireless) network devices are manually configured using static-IP. Often Midori (0.4.3) crashes (also on other DHCP networks). After that my Pandora is still connected to the network. When I start Midori again often I get an errormessage: "Cannot resolve hostname". I suspect this has something to do with my configuration:

Connection Information.JPG

-How can I input the second DNS-server @ IPv4 Settings?

-What might be the reason Midori crashes?

-Where does "Broadcast Address" get it's information?

-After a while network Speed increases from 1 Mb/s to staggering 24 Mb/s?!?

Kernel 3.2

Release 1.51 SuperZaxxon
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How can I input the second DNS-server @ IPv4 Settings?

Probably by specifying one after another, seperated by a comma (",") in the "IPv4 Settings"-tab (row: "DNS servers"). I didn't try that myself, though.

What might be the reason Midori crashes

Hard to say. You could try to delete it's appdata-folder. I suppose you are already using the newest version of midori from the repo. What might give a hint about the reason of the crash is to manually mount the pnd by running something like:

pnd_run.sh -p /media/trans8/pandora/menu/midori-0.4.3.pnd -b midori -m

cd /mnt/utmp/midori


Once midori crashes, read the output in the terminal. And once you are done and want to unmount the pnd

cd ~

pnd_run.sh -p /media/trans8/pandora/menu/midori-0.4.3.pnd -b midori -u

Where does "Broadcast Address" get it's information?

I didn't get that question, sorry. In any case I am pretty sure that you can forget about the broadcast-address as to my knowledge it should not be related to this problem.

Note: I'm not frequently reading the boards lately, so I might not reply soon again. There are still others around though. ;)
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Probably by specifying one after another, seperated by a comma (",") in the "IPv4 Settings"-tab (row: "DNS servers").
Worked like a charm, thanx :)

Got really stable WiFi-connection now!
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