So what's the status with gamepark?


Dec 6, 2003
I'm a bit short on cash for a gp32 (by about 50 dollars) and I thought to myself, "well maybe they'll drop the price and I'll get lucky." But, I'm not so sure if that's possible heh. Does gamepark still make teh gp32, are they still marketing it? Would they drop the price ever? Or have they pretty much closed shop on it. If they have, there'd be no official price drop so it'd never really drop would it? Would it be wrong to expect one?
The price has dropped at least at, Well from what craigx was saying, Craig!!!.
As to how much it has dropped, It depends on how much you expect, How much you are prepared to pay and how much you want a GP32.

It has not dropped from GP, just the dollar is so weak now I had to reduce prices to compete with HK sites.

Gamepark have just finished making 800 new GP32's for me and liksang (the first in over a year), until they make them in bulk the price won't go down.

If they did make them in bulk they would reduce to about $80 I was told (in october so maybe less now).

I will be testing this new batch of 800 for overclocking abilities to see if they can...

Sorry Craig, My bad :( .

Craig, Any FLU units in stock or any coming in the batch from Gamepark.
I have a non-Flu unit (puchased from your good self) that can overclock to 166mhz+ and would love to upgrade (side grade), But don`t want to loose the possibility of overclocking as my current unit does.

Any chance of testing a few FLUs :) , Please.

Modding the GP32's to 166mhz is something we might be offering from this week.

It will only be mods on NEW gp32s. Cannot take the risk on other peoples.

Craig, Do you have any FLUs in stock ???

Modding the GP32's to 166mhz is something we might be offering from this week.

It will only be mods on NEW gp32s. Cannot take the risk on other peoples.

How is that possible ?, Any info or is it a secret. :o
Would that add anything to the price and are FLUs included or just non-FLUs.

any chances on u performing the 32meg upgrade aswell?

Itd make me buy another gp32. Im to shit at soldering to even try it.