Wholey Kablooy! What a topic!
Now, commercially, what about, "Wanna be a Wizard"? That game looked hella-good! And arent there some developers still hanging on to the ol' DC, even 4 2 years after there console producing demise? But I guess this is sort of different. BUT... the GP32 and the DC can be compared closely in some aspects, dont you think? The homebrew scene is still alove in both corners, although, at the moment, both are very quiet and still. Are we going to see another release of DreamSNES? OR what about NeoGP? IT seems like we dont hear a lot from developers and authors of these emu's much anymore, if any. So I'm guessing, there either hard at work on a secret project, and communication is tough for the time being, or they have abandoned the GP all together in doubts of it ever resurfacing to what it once was.
Nextly, pocket makes a valid point about the EURO release consoles. Was there a stockpile of GP's ready for that release somewhere? Of course, he could be dreaming a little, like we all could. But the least he could do is tell us his sources of information.
All i can say is, I dream of getting a gamepark too, and I hope, unlike my other favorite game companies, (sega, SNK) dont go belly up, or have bigtime troubles also.
CraigX: by the way, do you know how many Gameparks are left now, in your hands to sell? Ive sent an email asking to reserve on about a week an a half ago. Can that reservation perhaps hold off for one more week? I JUST sold my GBA and game gear stuff and will have the money for it in a week after he sends me the money order. Thanks a bunch for listening everybody!