Do you think GamePark is out? (Please read this.)

craigix posted on Dec 4 2003 at 08:39 PM said:
So Pocket, Gamepark are lying to me about their stock levels are they?
It seems they don't tell you everything ;)

I'm really waiting for an official statement, it will clarify the situation !
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Sponge BoB posted on Dec 4 2003 at 08:40 PM said:
pocket where are u getting all of these statements u are making from. 1200gps may not have sold to the general public but im sure suppliers like craig have been buying what they can ever since it was announced that there where only 2000gps left in stock. I think craig would be the person who kows when it comes to how many gps are left, since he is one of the few people here who regularly keeps in touch with gamepark
Many guys in the community claims to know everything about Game park, you know... (not talking about Craig here ;) )

Again, there was NOT only 2000 GP32's left at Game Park. They were preparing themselves for Mitsui release, and now they are preparing something else. That's all. If this works, you'll be able to buy more GP32s than ever.
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Wholey Kablooy! What a topic!
Now, commercially, what about, "Wanna be a Wizard"? That game looked hella-good! And arent there some developers still hanging on to the ol' DC, even 4 2 years after there console producing demise? But I guess this is sort of different. BUT... the GP32 and the DC can be compared closely in some aspects, dont you think? The homebrew scene is still alove in both corners, although, at the moment, both are very quiet and still. Are we going to see another release of DreamSNES? OR what about NeoGP? IT seems like we dont hear a lot from developers and authors of these emu's much anymore, if any. So I'm guessing, there either hard at work on a secret project, and communication is tough for the time being, or they have abandoned the GP all together in doubts of it ever resurfacing to what it once was.

Nextly, pocket makes a valid point about the EURO release consoles. Was there a stockpile of GP's ready for that release somewhere? Of course, he could be dreaming a little, like we all could. But the least he could do is tell us his sources of information.

All i can say is, I dream of getting a gamepark too, and I hope, unlike my other favorite game companies, (sega, SNK) dont go belly up, or have bigtime troubles also.

CraigX: by the way, do you know how many Gameparks are left now, in your hands to sell? Ive sent an email asking to reserve on about a week an a half ago. Can that reservation perhaps hold off for one more week? I JUST sold my GBA and game gear stuff and will have the money for it in a week after he sends me the money order. Thanks a bunch for listening everybody!
Deep Thought posted on Dec 4 2003 at 08:56 PM said:
I'm not talking about that list, I'm talking about news. Shibuya is publishing a few games for the GP32 now, Goddess Saga seems to be on track, and Gamepark does still have those licenses. Even if they never use them.
Yep, Godess Saga is still in the works at this time, and you forget Bloody Cross ;)

Guilty Gear GP32 development begun in France a few months ago, then stopped... there is still a little hope, we'll see in the coming weeks.

Many GP32 games *are* finished too, just waiting to be released... If only Game Park had the money to do this.
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It's one of those things that we are going to just have to wait and see about. I reckon that they've still got a few tricks up their sleeve.

I really hope that they aren't going down the pan for good, but the community will keep it alive even if they eventually do. But let's not be negative about it all I think that we'll be okay in the end.

Here's to the future!
Craigx is right in that "the best really is yet to come."
I know this...but it must be kept a secret.
According to GamePark...
so don't worry guys...have some faith.
Well, guys, I sent the e-mail to TechTV's XPlay anyways, but all I got was a dumb auto-generated reponse e-mail. Pretty lame. Oh well, let's still hope for the best. I do hope these talks of GamePark still have a decent stock of GP32s is true.
Jesus, if you really want to get picky, Atari Lynx and Jaguar are not commercially dead by your standards, Deep and Pocket, since Songbird still makes games for these systems. I hope you guys are right, and Gamepark isn't commercially dead, but I've been playing and collecting games and systems for almost 15 years now and I've seen this happen before and in this stage of Gameparks life, if they don't do something with their system, they are done for. And it seems like they don't seem to be doing anything with it for the time being.

Hey, there is not only Songbird who is releasing jaguar and Lynx games, but Scatologic, Ambiant Distortions, Sinister Developments, B&C, Duranik etc. too :)

If GP close it's doors, I hope the GP32 will have the same future, a great community with developers working on great products :)
About distribution; is that Virgin as in "richard branson" Virgin (trains/planes/mobile phones and every other thing under the bloody sun)? If so god bless that crazy tycoon! This explains why Gamepark were stopping production till next year - there gearing up for the european relaunch! woohoo stick that in your fat corporate satan worshipping spawn of the devil pipe and smoke it Matsui!
pocket posted on Dec 4 2003 at 09:05 PM said:
Sponge BoB posted on Dec 4 2003 at 08:40 PM said:
pocket where are u getting all of these statements u are making from. 1200gps may not have sold to the general public but im sure suppliers like craig have been buying what they can ever since it was announced that there where only 2000gps left in stock. I think craig would be the person who kows when it comes to  how many gps are left, since he is one of the few people here who regularly keeps in touch with gamepark
Many guys in the community claims to know everything about Game park, you know... (not talking about Craig here ;) )

Again, there was NOT only 2000 GP32's left at Game Park. They were preparing themselves for Mitsui release, and now they are preparing something else. That's all. If this works, you'll be able to buy more GP32s than ever.
I hope you're right. It'd be nice if so :)
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It's not exactly Virgin in fact, but Virgin Play :P

It was really a "secret of polichinel" (don't know how to translate this in english), many people knew about this possibility...

In fact, it seems that Virgin Play already stated in its magazine that they would distribute the GP32... Really a strange secret :ph34r:
More details are coming with an official statement... I hope, because I'm tired of waiting this one.