So, What's the Open Pandora Community Made Of ?

- use another survey service next time
If you can propose a non-crappy one, let me know. Only Google Forms has a decent amount of options, is free, and not stuck in Web 1.1 standards.
I don't know any, but why is Web 1.1 bad?
Anyway, thanks for the work. Quite interesting! In fact I would love to have a look for interesting facts and correlations myself, too, e.g. with PSPP... Do you think of publishing the survey data? Maybe without comments for more anonymity?
I don't know any, but why is Web 1.1 bad?
not web1.1 page design per se for the respondent, but when designing the survey it takes WAY less time with the interface google provides than with any of the other options I have checked out there, for which you have to reload pages for every single question you add. I'll switch to a non-Google option the day there is something roughly equivalent out there, but currently the gap is so big, I don't have a passion for wasting time. 
In fact I would love to have a look for interesting facts and correlations myself, too, e.g. with PSPP... Do you think of publishing the survey data? Maybe without comments for more anonymity?
It's possible, but indeed I would need to anonymize the data - plus, when I asked respondents to answer the survey, I made it clear the answers would not be used for any other purpose, so i'm not sure it's OK to do that, actually. 
In fact I would love to have a look for interesting facts and correlations myself, too, e.g. with PSPP... Do you think of publishing the survey data? Maybe without comments for more anonymity?
 It's possible, but indeed I would need to anonymize the data - plus, when I asked respondents to answer the survey, I made it clear the answers would not be used for any other purpose, so i'm not sure it's OK to do that, actually.
Hm, too bad...