So we are all going to die tomorrow

Hmm... the greatest thing about the Rapture is that it's not your last chance... so if every "true" Christian does disappear, you can get saved, fight in the Lord's army against Satan, and go with Christ to Heaven when it's all over.

I wouldn't be going either way. I've asked specifically in my prayers to be left behind, so that I may fight.

In reality, however, the conditions for Christ's return have not been met, so the Rapture cannot be happening tomorrow, in my humble opinion...

, quoting the Scriptures"]
and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Despite the best efforts of the evangelical churches and their ministries, the good news of Christ's love and forgiveness has not been spread to all nations. Christ himself said that this will happen; and so it must happen before His return.

Of course, if you're not a Christian and don't believe this sort of thing, then this will just come off as senseless babbling.
Yup, that sure is senseless.
The Rapture is a concept based on some very dodgy interpretations, and refers to the idea the true believers in Christianity will get to opt out of the time of tribulations, which is well before the end of the world. The stuff you can use to try to support the notion also has plenty of "you will not know the time or the hour" disclaimers stuck to it, so really?

It actually goes further. Many have withdrawn their life savings to basically live it up, buying huge extravagances to celebrate their last days. And it occurred to me, doesn't that fall under gluttony or something? Isn't that one of the deadly sins that guarantees you won't make the cut?
Avarice is closer to the main thrust of that, although they are interconnected.

Catholics do not give credence to the notion of the Rapture. That's a weird Protestant thing, and they for the most part do not pay much attention to Catholic teachings on the 7 Deadly Sins. Those sins are singled out as the ones that are particularly good at taking people down for a reason, so it shouldn't be that surprising when that reality proves true.

Seems a little shortsighted to me.
The relevant material is quite clear that, that is a very accurate assessment.

It eludes me how people can be so utterly blinded by their faith in fairy tales that they exclude any form of reason and don't allow any margin for error. This I will never understand.
Faith in fairy tales is it?

And how much do you actually know the full derivation, underlying reasoning, and actually understand the body of evidence for of what you believe and hence are not simply taking it on faith? The answer for the vast majority of people in my experience is very little. Is it thus surprising there are people that don't do their research and oversimplify matters of faith, like they do other things of importance?

Despite the best efforts of the evangelical churches and their ministries, the good news of Christ's love and forgiveness has not been spread to all nations. Christ himself said that this will happen; and so it must happen before His return.
If you want to take that tack name one developed country, aka nation, that hasn't had it proclaimed. Nevermind the statement in the KJV uses "should" instead of "will be" which is more typical of the other more raw translations as well.
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I'm already fact, I'm posting from Pandora heaven right this very minute.

Sony is suuuuuuuuuuuch a liar. Jesus would rip it out of your hands the second you stepped through the gates.

Jesus also requests a built in level for Pandora 2. It would come in handy as a carpenter.
Hahahaha, you're right, he would too! :D
It eludes me how people can be so utterly blinded by their faith in fairy tales that they exclude any form of reason and don't allow any margin for error. This I will never understand.
Faith in fairy tales is it?

And how much do you actually know the full derivation, underlying reasoning, and actually understand the body of evidence for of what you believe and hence are not simply taking it on faith? The answer for the vast majority of people in my experience is very little. Is it thus surprising there are people that don't do their research and oversimplify matters of faith, like they do other things of importance?
I was only referring to the alleged "end" of life that was supposed to happen today. Seeing as I and everyone around me is still feeling fine, and there are no signs or reports of the Rapture actually happening, I would say it was a fairy tale would you not?

The point I intended to make was that even if you truly believe such events to take place, it has been proclaimed to happen in the past as well and didn't. This alone should make people wary enough to not take too radical decisions and be prepared for another calculation error.
The point I intended to make was that even if you truly believe such events to take place, it has been proclaimed to happen in the past as well and didn't. This alone should make people wary enough to not take too radical decisions and be prepared for another calculation error.
But what if this next time they actually are right?!?!!eleventyQ?!

The way I see it, if Rapture had happened, there would have been nothing for me to do anyway. Either I'm deemed worthy and I go to heaven, or my soul will be obliterated, and knowing in advance when it's supposed to happen isn't going to change my behavior at all. What, people suddenly going to act extra nice towards the end because they think that'll help their chances? Nuts to that, that's like being good through December hoping Santa will forget about all the pranks you pulled through the rest of the year.

Even if I knew with every fiber of my being that the world was going to end tomorrow, know what I would do? Exactly the same thing I do every day, because by this point in time there's no way I could affect the outcome.
In any case:

Mark 13:32: "Concerning that day of the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father."

Thus always be ready? I could be hit by a car today, I simply don't know.


Or or or, maybe the rapture did occur, and everyone was left behind? Like a Sodom and Gomorrah situation where not even one righteous person was found?

In the event of this evening's rapture actually taking place, I call dibs on any abandoned Lamborghinis, giant TVs, and assorted cool toys left behind.

Best double check first though, how embarassing for both parties if they come home to find you loading a van.

On the other hand, you could just help yourself to the items thou covet, and when eventually arrested use "I thought the owner had been raptured, your honour" as a defence.
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In any case:

Mark 13:32: "Concerning that day of the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father."

Hahaha, I was going to mention this.

Also, according to Psalm 37:29:

New World Translation said:

Thus, the earth isn't to be abandoned according to the Bible. This is why I personally don't believe in the rapture.
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In the event of this evening's rapture actually taking place, I call dibs on any abandoned Lamborghinis, giant TVs, and assorted cool toys left behind.

Best double check first though, how embarassing for both parties if they come home to find you loading a van.

What sin has the Lamborghini committed? I doubt it would be left behind.
Just play Bioshock, you'll survive to rapture!
(or not, but vitachambers are here)

(Today was the first time I played that game, great, but a bit stressful.)
Wait, I figured it out, one of two things must be true. The Rapture DID happen, so if you're here one of these are true:

1. You were saved! You were taken to an alternate reality where you won't be put through suffering. Congratulations! To make it even less stressful for you those that were not saved were replaced by duplicates and will act exactly like their condemned counterparts.

2. You are not one of the saved. You are now left to suffer the coming of the 'new world order' or 'one world government'. Over the years you'll watch your family and loved ones starve, be raped, and eaten by others and the worse part is the saved were replaced by exact duplicates so you don't even know that the rapture happened. Don't worry though, the duplicates won't really feel any pain, they're just acting, it is you who will suffer.

Trippy isn't it?
Its the day, that was yesterday tomorow, where is mey f** Apokalypse???, Im alive, im Playin Deat or Alive on my 3DS, nothing happens, i want my money back, this Apokalypse was verry expensive :angry:

Never trust a itinerant Apokalypse trader...

Whats my Ordernumber?????