Snes Emulator Screenshots!

my top 5 as far as emulation goes is genisis, amiga, snes, cps2, and "other" in no particular, having near perfect snes will rock hardcore tho, hopefully UAE will get ported soon!
Awsome!... but odd, why is the screen size reduced like that? I would have thought it would be full screen.

Run OSNESGP on the GP32 and look at the screen, there will be your answer. I doubt they would be scaling it down any further on the GP2X. Yes scaling up will look ugly.
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Lets all keep in mind that just because it exists (something that was destined from the outset) still dosent mean it's as perfect as we'd like it to be just yet. I can still be slow and last time I looked none of these images displayed transparancy.

I am sure it will take awhile to be playable. It probably runs slow, has no sound or transparency right now. It takes a few hours to port an emu like this but a long time to perfect.
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yeah, come to think of it i remember seeing about UAE, let me rephrase, i cant wait to see a playable as FS 2 or less version of UAE ported with good compatability and stuff
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the GP2x have the ability to scale automatically thanks to the 2D accelerator? I know I much prefer fullscreen over 1:1 (even though I know there's a loss in sharpness).

But regardless, this is good to see. Anyone know who's developing it?
yeah those are the snes games that run at that 512x224(??) resolution.

stretching shouldn't be so bad for the square resolution snes games, right?
Transparencies are in, look at the screenshots of Terranigma... I know that the light coming through the windows would be black if transparencies weren't working correctly, same with the floating bubbles outside in the town.
that's great news! hope optimization goes well.

yeah, stretching will be implemented. it probably won't look so bad with good quality stretching/filtering.
Awsome!... but odd, why is the screen size reduced like that? I would have thought it would be full screen.
Most likely to do with the native resolution of the SNES vs the GP2X.
The SNES mostly used 256x224 and the GP2X has a 320x240.
Emulators run most efficiently if it doesn't need to do extra work resizing the screen. If the GP2X has hardware functions to performing stretching, the emulator shouldn't slow down too much too resize to the GP2X's full screen size.
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yeah those are the snes games that run at that 512x224(??) resolution.

stretching shouldn't be so bad for the square resolution snes games, right?

Stretching is ugly. Makes it look all pixelated. And if it is filtered it will look fuzzy. It is good enough at native res anyway.
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yeah those are the snes games that run at that 512x224(??) resolution.

stretching shouldn't be so bad for the square resolution snes games, right?

Stretching is ugly. Makes it look all pixelated. And if it is filtered it will look fuzzy. It is good enough at native res anyway.

we have had this debate a million times already. Some people prefer it strecthed, whereas some don't. Having the option is clearly best.
You don't need to spam every thread with the same posts.
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