Smashgp Characters!?!?


Still Fresh
Feb 6, 2004
I have smashgp and it's great but, the only characters I have are Mario, Luigi, Samus, Sonic and Cool Spot. I CANNOT Make my own characters with SMASH EDIT but I would like to know where to download more characters and more arenas. Please Help! :o
Just wait, more should be comming soon, what with adic 2004 and all right around the corner.
Don't worry, I have Link (using sprites from Four Swords (GBA)), and Ness (n64 poses, "spritified") on the project stack, metiphorically speaking.

Maybe over Christmas break I'll finally have some time to work on them.
I've tried sooo many times to make characters (Knuckles,Link,etc.) and yet when i load up smashgp the character sprites don't work so it comes up with a black rectangle making noises. I've got the .pak file for the sprites but it still doesn't work. Anyone know how i can sort this?
Ganepark32 posted on Dec 22 2004 at 07:53 AM said:
I've tried sooo many times to make characters (Knuckles,Link,etc.) and yet when i load up smashgp the character sprites don't work so it comes up with a black rectangle making noises. I've got the .pak file for the sprites but it still doesn't work. Anyone know how i can sort this?
I haven't tried making characters for SmashGP but it sounds like you are just using the wrong color palette.
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I've got two weeks off at Christmas, so hopefully I can continue to work on mine. :)

To make the sprites just use the mario ones and copy over with your work. (So it keeps the pallette).
bast525 posted on Dec 22 2004 at 09:16 AM said:
pleeeeez tell me where I can get Samus and Cool Spot?!?!?!

Samus can be found at this link: samus
and Coolspot here : Spot

Esn posted on Dec 22 2004 at 11:52 AM said:
where can we find the Mario ones?

They are in the Samsh Edit. You can find it here: SmashEdit

And I am also making a character. It will be out soon, maybe very soon... :rolleyes:
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Hey Drag and everybody else whos making characters, don't forget to email them to me -
Hi !!

All the SmashGp characters available at the time are on my website (see my signature), or on the Gp32x archive.

More will be available soon (at least one before the end of the year ;) ).
samus and spot rock :)

Nice having a real selection now...

Matkeupon - VERY nice game here, definately one of the GP's best, and one of my favorite showoff pieces as I show more and more people the GP
Thnx for the help bout the characters. Just want to know, what character does everyone want the most to be brought to smashgp? Post ur answers as I am interested in seeing what everyone wants.
mATkEUpON, I don't know how I missed it before, but I've added your website to the GP32World links database (the most complete GP32 links database in existance, I think).

If anybody else has a website that's not on there, please tell me (or submit it through the form)! :)