Ok, after having enough time to test this out, I have a few things I'd like to point out. Warning, long post.
Mario's down+b attack animates too quickly, like, I'll be standing in front of Luigi while doing down+b (the spin attack) very rapidly, and it'll beat the crap out of him until he's at like 500%. Should be easy to fix, it's a matter of fixing the animation speed.
The zooming needs some work. When a player falls off of the level, and the game is zoomed out, and it quickly zooms back into the remaining player, it shakes a lot.
Another thing is that close range action is actually TOO close range. It's zoomed too far in so that I can't see where I'm jumping when I try to hop from platform to platform.
Zooming also needs to be smoothed out, like it's linear from what I can tell, try making it more like smash brothers where it goes from quick to slow when it moves, like it's attached with a rubber band or something, like {camerax = (camerax + destinationx) / 9} (using the camera's x position as an example) or something. If that makes the camera move too slowly, try decreasing the dividing number from 9 to like 6 or something.
Another thing I wanted to point out is the fact that you can double jump just by holding the jump button / direction and you'll automatically double jump when the primary jump finishes. What should happen is that you have to jump again in mid air to trigger the secondary jump. This is just my opinion though.
Another thing is the music. It's ok, but it doesn't have that SSB "A bunch of Nintendo characters are fighting each other" feel to it. This is just a matter of my taste though, I can replace it myself if I want.
The second layer (the layer behind the primary layer that scrolls slower) looks kinda irregular when you zoom around. Maybe you should make it react slower to zooming (by making it zoom slower), in the same logic that it reacts slower to scrolling (by scrolling slower)
This is a suggestion for smashedit, but can you add a feature so that you can view the rate of animation? (like a play button that will show the animation frames at the animation rate, with looping if it's enabled) Just so you can get a feel of how fast or jerky the animation may look ingame, without having to actually compile/download it every time.
I'd say we need more characters and levels, but there's already a bunch of people (including myself) working on that.
Though, I don't know how the palette files will make my link character look... I'd appreciate it if there was a way I can see the documentation in a different format from pdf, because I really don't want to download adobe reader or whatever opens pdfs (yeah, I know I stated this in the other thread, but it's a suggestion nonetheless.)
These were just a few pointers/suggestions I had. All that aside, the game is doing quite nicely, seeing as how it's at such an early version.

I like it, and I hope it makes it to a version 1.0.
Edit: I found a formula that works better:
{ camX = ((camX * 1.5) + (destX / 2)) / 2 }
and this one makes it slower:
{ camX = ((camX * 1.75) + (destX / 4)) / 2 }
If these are too slow or something, here's how I'm calculating it:
{ camX = ((camX * (2 - (1/n)) + (destX / n)) / 2 }
Where n is a number greater or equal to 1. The higher the value, the slower the effect.
In the formula, I'm using the camera's x position as an example. destX is the destination for the x, where you want the x position to eventually end up. You can change the destination at any time, even if the camera hasn't reached the destination yet. It's smooth.

You can apply it to the camera's x, y, and zoom to smooth it out. (I figured this formula out in my math class today.)
The reason the other formula won't work is that if you change the dividing number to anything other than 2, the formula won't reach the target, ever. The new formula (the one I just put) works much better, in that it always reaches the target (eventually), and you can even adjust the speed it goes at.