A Commando
Because nothing comes without cost, monetary or otherwise. At the very least a camera increases the cost because of component costs and producing a more complex case. Additionally it costs time (also adding to the monetary cost) because of design, manufacturing and software support. Even further it costs quality, since the more physical components you add the more complex you make the device making it more probable for faults to occur (also increasing monetary cost because of refurbs and fault rate).
There's probably more, but those were the first to come into mind. It's not as simple as deciding "well, the part only costs this much, so I'll just add it to the mix". When making a complex doodad the last thing you want to do is make it more complex. Maybe a later model could have one added.
There's probably more, but those were the first to come into mind. It's not as simple as deciding "well, the part only costs this much, so I'll just add it to the mix". When making a complex doodad the last thing you want to do is make it more complex. Maybe a later model could have one added.
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