Should I have received my final order eMail already?


I ordered my Pyra way back in May 2016, some when in 2018 I stopped following the project and then just completely forgot about. That is until this morning when I woke up and remember some long forgot hardware which I had ordered....

Could someone fill me in where we stand right now with the pyra, is it actually shipping? or are there only some pre-pre-pre-alpha-pyra orders going out? This thread is really long, I can't really get a feeling for the status of the project.

If you put in some money in May 2016 that's the right date for a preorder. Provided you've not changed email providers in the mean time you should receive an email when the time is ready, which might come in the next few months because you're in the first few hundred.

Depending when you preordered, you might be anywhere up to number 740.
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Sounds good, although i have no clue what my order number is as there is nothing in the email invoice that I have.
Yes although if you can find out what day of the month in May 2016 your email came though, you can indentify closer where you are in the queue using the link in my last post, and thus estimate how long you'll have to wait. But I guess if you're patient enough you could just take knowing it'll come some time in the next year and sit shtum.
Yes although if you can find out what day of the month in May 2016 your email came though, you can indentify closer where you are in the queue using the link in my last post, and thus estimate how long you'll have to wait. But I guess if you're patient enough you could just take knowing it'll come some time in the next year and sit shtum.
I've been wondering on an estimate of where i stand on the preorder list
I preordered on april 30th [US] so for ED it would be on May 1st
On the first day there were 350 preorders, of which I'd expect many of them were the original 200 pre-preorderers. Perhaps only 100 of them preorder upgraded then though, which would put you at most at position 200-100+350=450.
I got it now, so I'm calculating around 650 -> 750 something like that, so... I go back to sleep and come back in 2022....
My Pyra has arrived!

I'm away now for a few days, so unfortuantely won't get time to play, so here is a very brief summary of the delivery/costs and my 1st impressions:-

Fedex finally delivered the package today (was due on Friday, but delays etc....). Their website for tracking is pretty useless. I was asked to pay £185- on Friday for import/shipping/taxes to the UK o_O
The packaging is gorgeous - congrats to everone involved there - and the manual is a very nice touch.

The Pyra itself is stunning, somehow smaller than I expected, possibly because the keys are smaller. All the controls and the keyboard feel nice, and I had no problems calibrating the touchscreen on initial boot. Love the backlighting!
Almost reluctant to pick it up in case I damage it; which sounds insane now I've written that down!!
Can't see any obvious blemishes, possibly a small mould-related unevenness near the hinge on the right?

Really impressed with the the screen - sharp and clear and very hires (kinda expected with the PPI!!)
Had no issue putting the battery in the machine, just worked first time without any jiggery-pokery :)

Haven't tried any software yet, nor installed anything......that will happen later in the week when I'm back home. And I'll probably put some more thoughts up on the forum.

Sorry for the jumbled scribbles, I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment! Also, mods, feel free to move this post if there's a more obvious home for it.....can't remember :)

I'll post a photo here as well, if I can remember how....


  • Pyra.jpg
    684.4 KB · Views: 280
If your pocket dit fit the Pandora, it’s also fits the Pyra, it’s just a bit higher because of the second Board and the now necessary heat sink ..
Whiteout a Pandora to compare, it’s still not that big ^^
Oh, it has a heatsink? I read, that there was a problem with the main chip being to near at the battery and getting hot. But did'nt think, there wouls be a heatsink on it

Gesendet von meinem FP3 mit Tapatalk
The heatsink isn't on the CPU, there's a heat conductive strip leading to a heatsink and the blue USB port acting as a radiator of sorts if I remember correctly. There's also an insulating sheet between the strip and the battery to stop heat going that way.
My Pyra has arrived!

I'm away now for a few days, so unfortuantely won't get time to play, so here is a very brief summary of the delivery/costs and my 1st impressions:-

Fedex finally delivered the package today (was due on Friday, but delays etc....). Their website for tracking is pretty useless. I was asked to pay £185- on Friday for import/shipping/taxes to the UK o_O
The packaging is gorgeous - congrats to everone involved there - and the manual is a very nice touch.

The Pyra itself is stunning, somehow smaller than I expected, possibly because the keys are smaller. All the controls and the keyboard feel nice, and I had no problems calibrating the touchscreen on initial boot. Love the backlighting!
Almost reluctant to pick it up in case I damage it; which sounds insane now I've written that down!!
Can't see any obvious blemishes, possibly a small mould-related unevenness near the hinge on the right?

Really impressed with the the screen - sharp and clear and very hires (kinda expected with the PPI!!)
Had no issue putting the battery in the machine, just worked first time without any jiggery-pokery :)

Haven't tried any software yet, nor installed anything......that will happen later in the week when I'm back home. And I'll probably put some more thoughts up on the forum.

Sorry for the jumbled scribbles, I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment! Also, mods, feel free to move this post if there's a more obvious home for it.....can't remember :)

I'll post a photo here as well, if I can remember how....
£185 yikes!