Should I have received my final order eMail already?

I have a bit the fear that other videos are that unprofessional as mine; I don’t even use a proper camera.. I put my phone on a tripod, and speak in it’s phone microphone, and upload this directly to YouTube.. ,
I remember whe had a lot more community work around the Pandora: lots of Blogs, Videos from more members, on the Pyra it’s not that many..
I have a bit the fear that other videos are that unprofessional as mine; I don’t even use a proper camera
Given the choice between someone who understands what the Pyra is and why it needs to exist and a professional reviewer who doesn't have a clue, I know which I'd rather choose. The quality of production is not even relevant.

We definitely need more videos.
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I don’t even use a proper camera.. I put my phone on a tripod, and speak in it’s phone microphone, and upload this directly to YouTube.. ,
Blogs are quite retro these days. It used to be you used to have to write a blog post or post on a forum like this if you wanted to say anthing, but nowadays you can tweet or fire in into the facebook void. I still do follow a few blogs, but they don't post nearly as much as they used to.

I think bigclive uses a phone and uploads directly to youtube, but at least he's talking in his native tongue.
Maybe whe have to wait until [mention]ingoreis [/mention] gets his Pyra if he preeordered at all, his Pandora Video where quite professional, ..
I could use my own Language but I aimed the Videos on the International Boards, and English is the language I think I can… French would be too difficult for me..
I have a bit the fear that other videos are that unprofessional as mine; I don’t even use a proper camera.. I put my phone on a tripod, and speak in it’s phone microphone, and upload this directly to YouTube.. ,
I remember whe had a lot more community work around the Pandora: lots of Blogs, Videos from more members, on the Pyra it’s not that many..

To be fair the Pyras have hardly started shipping yet, only the pre-preorders are out there so until the main orders start shipping regularly it's going to be difficult to build a community other than this one of people waiting. I mean I could do a video of the space where my Pyra isn't.... ;)
Today I received my Pyra #173 shipping notice. EU 4G model destined for the UK. ETA Friday.

It's actually happening. Can it be real?

When did you get your email to complete payment?
And when did you initially order, if I can ask?
Good question!

Looking at saved emails, I think my original voucher order was made on 19/10/2015.
However, I think the upgrade to a pre-preorder came later, and the associated email for me was 30/04/2016. The pre-preorder window was open for a few days IIRC....

Do these dates sound about right?
Pre-preorders came before pre-orders, the clue is in the name. Pre-preorder vouchers were used to buy a pre-order voucher which more recently you upgraded into a real order for a unit. You may have bought shop vouchers ahead of time, I couldn't say but they're not specific to pyra parts.
Pre-preorders came before pre-orders, the clue is in the name. Pre-preorder vouchers were used to buy a pre-order voucher which more recently you upgraded into a real order for a unit. You may have bought shop vouchers ahead of time, I couldn't say but they're not specific to pyra parts.
That makes sense.
So I guess I bought the voucher in 2015 to reserve the pre-preorder, and then upgraded to a "full" pre-order on 30/04/2016 for 330 Euros?

It's all so long ago :cool:
Yeah, but compared to a black glass slippy phone, I guess anything with a goddamn keyboard and game controls will be a lot harder to drop in use. I was aware with my Pandora that I needed to curl my fingers round the edge when carrying it closed, but that's the same way I hold remote controls and almost everything else I carry in one hand except for books (which I generally carry between fingers and thumb).
Haven't seen the obvious: the mentioned links are missing the ".html" ending. Pyra ordered.