Should I have received my final order eMail already?

Not as far as I've heard, you might be the first. By my calculations if VAT is 19% (which seems to be what ED was charging) then you might be due to pay 119EUR plus fees, so probably about 120GBP or maybe a little more.

Presumably you only actually paid ED 626.05EUR when he was originally intending to collect 745EUR and pay your VAT for you.

Edit: Please post about your experiences after you get yours. I'd like to know what I might be up for still.
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Yeah, 626EUR sounds about right, I didn't pay much attention to be honest, I just wanted to get it paid for.

There's a couple of 'In transit' movements against the tracking now at 'ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX FR' at 6pm and 7:30pm, not sure why there's two. Those aren't GMT times though because it's only just hit 7:30 here and it's been up for a while, I checked it a bit earlier.

Hopefully the 'In transit' movements mean it won't be stuck in France due to Covid. I haven't kept up on the news so I don't know what the situation is regarding imports.

£120 would be sweet, anything under £200 and I'm happy.
With any luck, the import charges are fixed - though of course VAT is relative to the value of the goods. If so, the increased cost of our Pyras will be proportionally smaller than the horror stories one reads in the news.

I'm curious to see how it goes for other UK-based preorderers though. It looks like I may have bought 20% more in vouchers from ED's shop than necessary!
i'm at 63 and haven't heard anything, but based on post 1 in this thread, i'm not expecting it yet
Well mine's in Birmingham as of 7am this morning, so at least I know it wasn't a problem getting into the country. Just an hour drive from me, but no doubt there's more processing to do so who knows how long it'll take. Still no email asking for the VAT payment though.
I've started differentiating whether I mean physical tomorrow or logical tomorrow. Physical tomorrow is after the calendar day changes, logical tomorrow is next time I wake up.

This avoids confusion when you say "tomorrow" after midnight.
I started making a difference between physical tomorrow, astronomical tomorrow, and logical tomorrow. Astronomical tomorrow is when the sun starts coming closer, not counting the seasonal movements.
So your astronomical day starts, when at your location's antipode the sun is at its zenith?
I'd rather distinguish between an abstract start of day (calendar, i.e. some convention) and a natural one. The latter further between objective (sunrise) and subjective (self-rise).
I get the astronomical definition, but I don't know what I'd need it for.
I think this distinction might be needed more when we finally settle a permanent community on mars, because the martian year is about twice as long as the earth one, but its day is only just over 24h. Just as we needed to come up with the concept of time zones when we started measuring time more accurately, I think we're likely to count martian days, and therefore need some kind of translation between martian natural dates and earth ones.

But until then I'm pretty content with what we've got now. I don't even mind the daily saving time switch twice a year that much.