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I bought a Home-Assistant (HA) Yellow. It requires a separate purchase of a raspberry pi computer module and an m2 disk.
This weekend I tried installing it but I think the drive is faulty. But the process of installation didn't help, it probably goes fine if it works which is hopefully so for most people.

My process:
I installed the SSD in the HA, the pi was already installed (it's the 4GB RAM version). It's a Samsung disk, some no-label OEM version, but probably 970/980-ish.
I created a micro-SD card with the correct PI image installed on it, via Raspberry Pi Imager with the HA-yellow image. Inserted that in the provided SD-card converter, and that in a SD-USB-adapter. The SD-card bundled converter was faulty btw, so I replaced it with one that I knew was working.
I connected the network cable, SD-USB-adapter (with SD inserted), and powered the unit with the provided power adapter.
The unit booted and I noticed an IP was requested on the router, so the networking was working. I assume installation was happening, the yellow light was blinking but it didn't turn to the long period of blinking (the 5sec on/off). So I just waited until it appeared idling and powered the unit off.
I removed the SD-USB-adapter and powered the unit on again. The unit appears idling and no IP address was requested.
Obviously something was wrong, I didn't know what, so I tried the steps a few times over. I also checked the jumper settings, but those were fine. I also removed the SSD to see if it would improve without, but same result.

I read that if the SSD already had some partitioning on it this issue might happen. But as I don't have some m2 adapter to format the drive, I started the direct installation options.
I switched the boot options by holding both blue/red button for 10sec after powering-on. I also switched jumper from UART to USB, and booted into recovery option.
After installing rpiboot and going through the procedure I was presented with an invalid USB device error in windows. I rebooted my pc and reinstalled the drivers, but same result.

I switched to my Linux box, but turns out that had a full disk. My / had 0 bytes free, causing the desktop to fail to boot. I switched to the terminal view (CTLR+ALT+F1) and removed some files, rebooted into desktop mode and checked why my disk was full.
After removing tux kart I had enough free to install my pending updates. I ran apt-get clean and autoremove. I also found some script to remove redundant snap packages, which freed up enough disk space. (
I installed raspberry pi imager and build rpiboot, after already having installed usblib-dev (I installed it first as snap, but that failed on missing libusb).
sudo apt install git libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config build-essential
git clone --depth=1
cd usbboot
sudo ./rpiboot
I got the same result as on the windows box.

Online I see HA yellow / raspberry pi 4 compute doesn't always support all SSD brand/types, which I didn't really expect with using a Samsung disk, so I still hope that part is fine.
I read that a failing usb device-descriptor might happen due to a bad usb-C cable. So I switched to a different higher quality cable, same result.

I realized my raspberry pi 4 compute module doesn't feature the eMMC module, so this procedure might not work.
To make sure the disk is actually found I switch the jumper back to UART and tried connecting to the HA unit with the usb-C cable and using PuTTY.
But no COM port was popping up, turns out the drive of this UART module wasn't recognized (missing driver).
So I searched for the driver on the web, as windows didn't find it, I found it here:
After installing this driver I could connect to it on COM3 / 115200 (user=root), don't forget to press Enter to actually see the login screen.
I didn't find any SSD in dmesg / lsblk or /dev/disk/. So I assume that my SSD is faulty.

So I ordered a m2 nvme disk enclosure, so I can check the SSD on a PC. I also ordered a new m2 SSD (one that is claimed to be supported by HA) so I have a working unit.
To be continued...
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Installed a brand new disk and it worked. No issues: installed and was up in few minutes.

The other disk was placed in a USB-carrier and works on my pc, so I assume the raspberry pi just didn't see this disk at all for some reason.
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I've gone off on yet another tangent. I've created a couple of extensions for the Scite text editor.

They get the character count of an entire document/selected block of text respectively.
  • Add the contents of the properties.txt file to your or file depending on personal preference
  • Move the char_count.lua file to your Scite application directory
  • When you next start Scite two new entries called Document Char Count and Selection Char Count will have appeared in the tools menu
Tested with Scite 5.3.8.

*Attachment removed due to release of updated version*
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Here's an updated version of my Scite extension. You can now get the document/selection line count as well as the character count.
  • Add the contents of the properties.txt file to your or file depending on personal preference
  • Move the eld_count.lua file to your Scite application directory
  • Delete the char_count.lua file because its no longer needed
  • When you next start Scite four new entries called Document Char Count, Selection Char Count, Document Line Count and Selection Line Count will have appeared in the tools menu
Tested with Scite 5.3.8.


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I've uploaded a new version of cfgcreate to my website.

New features:
  • An additional file menu entry (New File)
  • Hotkeys (list contained in readme file)
Tested with Python 3.10.11.
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Created a VR demo in OpenXR to run on the Pico4 VR headset. Which should be easy, but I'm running into issues with Unity that appear to have nothing to do with my own project.
Just switching from 2022 LTS to 2023 fixed my main compile issue for example.
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Its only an Idea, but i plan a "Farming Simulator 22 Unimog Lets Play Projekt", as the GPD Win Mini is fast enough to get decent FPS when Screen Recording is activate..
I will talk about my Experences whit our Unimog, some background info stuff, and try to get the work down on my Farm whit only this U425 (not the one from the official Modhub, but one i got from an external Mod Website as this got Simple IC ^^ , ) , only when i need something to load stuff or an Combine Harvester, i will use these, but i try to get Oldtimer Mods for this task ^^
The projekt will be in German though, its much more naturall for me..
This is a weird one: ways to view DNA. So using my perl-fu, i converted a codon (3 letter DNA) into a single character.

While doing that I found out that it is contested that Iching is constructed bottom up, not top down and that, potentially, the UNICODE Table is wrong.
I also copied the homework of and made (deca)hexomatics, where each line downwards means it's a Purine (A/G) else it's a Pyrimidine (T, C, and U)

T C C   = 000101 [05] = ䷣ = ╶┴╯ Serine           36 Censorship
A A G   = 111110 [62] = ䷫ = ├┼╮ Lysine           44 Temptation
G A G   = 101110 [46] = ䷱ = ╭┼╮ Glutaminezuur    50 CosmicOrder
G G G   = 101010 [42] = ䷿ = ╭┬╮ Glycine          64 Before the End
T T T   = 000000 [00] = ䷁ = ╶─╴ Fenylalanine     02 Receptive
G C A   = 100111 [39] = ䷙ = ╭┴┤ Alanine          26 Potential Energy
C C T   = 010100 [20] = ䷦ = ╰┴╴ Proline          39 Obstacles
T A C   = 001101 [13] = ䷶ = ╶┼╯ Tyrosine         55 Zenith

These are the stop-codons, oor scissors, I was hoping that ╶┼┤would be used the most, but alas (still only the first 1000 letters)

T A A = 001111 [15]  = ䷡ = ╶┼┤ /Ochre  (254 times)
T A G = 001110 [14]  = ䷟ = ╶┼╮ /Amber  (174 times)
T G A = 001011 [11]  = ䷵ = ╶┬┤ /Opal   (387 times)

Long story short: Have you had those games on tapes that went piiiiii kshrfgasf piiiiii kfasfaasfvvaghgjkgkgk... well, it just like these anomalies in the first 1000 characters of the first gen (need to make a full picture of that, not included).

Long term I want to look into stenography inside DNA (the reason why 4 codons only code a single animoacid, and why the disparate frequencies). I'm a programmer, not a biologist, so my angle is different, as you can see.


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Hello everyone! Long time no see.
just popping in to share my latest release, for the TRS-80 Color Computer and Dragons.
The game was made with ugBasic, a super nice modern Basic that can output to various 8bit systems.
This one game is a mix of Barbarian, Samurai Shodown, Prince of Persia and Moonstone. :D
Here is the trailer:

It is going donation ware this month and then free and open source + some articles/tutorials on how it was done.
I rewrote my stream oriented network monitor pacmon in rust. It shows you which corporations and countries your processes are communicating with along with other stats. Check it out. Your data might be going to Pyongyang (like mine was)

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The idea behind pacmon is to be like top, ordering streams by (a) recent activity (aka current speed) or (b) total bytes transferred. Then update periodically eg every 3 seconds so the stats are more stable. But if you set the refresh interval to something quick like 200ms you get an interesting realtime timeline of network activity trickling in. It's like human readable and digested tcpdump output. It's crazy how much my computer talks to google and facebook (which I don't use).

I'm surprised I have never heard of anyone else being interested in which corporations your devices are talking to. Pretty basic privacy ask. I think I'll add another mode that aggregates by "corp".
