Art/D.I.Y/Build projects thread..?


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
Any interest here for something like this..?

I'm a complete novice when it comes to D.I.Y & making stuff, but I'll give it a go..  I've a few ideas that I hope to complete soon (see my other recent threads) & will post my exploits & 'finished' projects here if anyone is interested.

Was thinking that others who have done some cool stuff may like to share (& inspire perhaps) 

Instructables is a great site, I'm not brave (rich) enough to tackle most of the projects that interest me there, but it's handy for ideas nonetheless.
Instructables is awesome, I use it to find cheaper ways of getting tools I need sometimes.  I make knives and swords.
Decent, I might try one myself.

I have one of these, but its only good for holding cards, not really notes

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Yeah, that's the problem with all the kickstarter wallets I've seen over the years. Fine for US money, but present it with a UK 20-pound note and you're stuffed.