Release Serious Sam: First Encounter


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Serious Sam: First Encounter (without data)

You'll need to copy the data from the original game (Steam, GoG or original CD version). Copy all the ".gro" files and all folders (but not the Bin one) in apddata/serioussam1 to play.

The game use gl4es, and use the recently opensourced Serious Engine 1.
The game runs ok on Gigahertz model. It's playable on Rebirth (even on CC). It's advised to use the latest SGX Driver for better performance and stability.
Some preconfigured config are there on first run, but fell free to play with the various parameters.

History log

Build 08

  • Some fixes with a dithering function
Build 07

  • Some fixes in Math functions
Build 06

  • Some more optim
  • Updated libs
  • Compiled with gcc 7.1
Build 05

  • NEON (and some non-NEON) optimisations from @notaz
  • compiled with gcc 6.1
Build 04

  • Added MP3 support (For CD version)
Build 03

  • Updated sources
  • Added autodetect script for glshim
Build 02

  • Updated sources
  • Use SDL2 now
  • Fixed the PXML
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some Pandora configuration

Sources are available here:
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Pity my humble CC. :( I'll still give this a go though.

Roll on the Pyra Woo Hoo :)
Even split-screen works now... impressive. Although it seems a little silly to use on a 4.3inch 800x480 screen.
Hi all !

I'm really having some serious fun playing that game :p I have just started the "Dunes" level, om my way to Menphis !

@ptitSeb : thanks again for another great port ! I believe not even a month has passed since Croteam open sourced their engine :)

@matzesu and @Ian J : I really hope you'll be able to play that game on your CC units.

EDIT: /me <3 Croteam !!! I now need to find a way to play Serious Sam 3 and The Talos Principle on my crappy old Linux box !

EDIT 2: and did you know their first games were on Amiga ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
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Hi all !

I'm really having some serious fun playing that game :p I have just started the "Dunes" level, om my way to Menphis !

@ptitSeb : thanks again for another great port ! I believe not even a month has passed since Croteam open sourced their engine :)

@matzesu and @Ian J : I really hope you'll be able to play that game on your CC units.

EDIT: /me <3 Croteam !!! I now need to find a way to play Serious Sam 3 and The Talos Principle on my crappy old Linux box !

EDIT 2: and did you know their first games were on Amiga ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Serious Sam: BFE and Talos Principal are awsome games (I still have to finish Talos)

What was that first game on Amiga?
Impressive work ptitSeb, now i must try this on my CC or wait for the Pyra version.

Thanks a lot!!
Yesterday evening, i installed Serious Sam 2 on my Win 7 PC, it was realy awesome, but i got some crashes on this Level, where you drive this "ball"
When i have some time, i think i try the first encounter on my CC Unit, but i would rather play it on Pyra because its faster CPU and the better NUBS
What was that first game on Amiga?
Just follow the link in my previous post :p (hyper-text links are hard to see on these new boards...)
It looks like Croteam were mostly into soccer games back in the mid-90's !

Cheers, Magic Sam
EDIT: /me <3 Croteam !!! I now need to find a way to play Serious Sam 3 and The Talos Principle on my crappy old Linux box !

how old is that machine? the video card is of prime importance...

Great !
Just to be sure it's not the HD version ?

the HD versions (running on Serious Engine 2.5) need a far beefier CPU/videocard.

Yesterday evening, i installed Serious Sam 2 on my Win 7 PC, it was realy awesome, but i got some crashes on this Level, where you drive this "ball"

i played through Serious Sam 2 again a few months back (on Windows 7), and i never had any crashes - it was surprisingly stable... Croteam made a number of bug-fixes to the Steam re-release, which is what i tried. (gameplay-wise, still inferior to SS:First Encounter and Second Encounter - no huge outdoor environments, and many small levels; feels very console-y. i don't have any desire to play through that again.)
well, they actually just made two soccer games. 4 titles on the list are the same game but german and english with an ECS/AGA version each. wonder what that last game on the list wwas though...