Serial Porter
Here is Serious Sam: The First Encounter DEMO
This is a Ready2Play PND, with the opensourced Serious Sam 1 Engine (using gl4es), and the Data from the TFE Demo.
The Demo feature the level that is also on the "FlyBy" from the Full game. It's a huge level, well done, with many things to do and plenty of bad guys, so worth the download!
History log
Build 08
For the curious, sources are here:

This is a Ready2Play PND, with the opensourced Serious Sam 1 Engine (using gl4es), and the Data from the TFE Demo.
The Demo feature the level that is also on the "FlyBy" from the Full game. It's a huge level, well done, with many things to do and plenty of bad guys, so worth the download!
History log
Build 08
- In sync with full game PND
- Initial build
For the curious, sources are here: