Review on purcahse form Link's website.

#1 GameMaster

Feb 10, 2008
Visit site
I purchased a case(Pelican 1040) and set of headphones(I-Ecko Ear Buds) from Link's store. First I would like to talk about the how nice a job the shipping was. I got it right before work and wanted to check it out real quick or might have taken some pics, anyways they came in a durable envelope/bag. At first I was thinking man this case is a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be when I opened up to find them wrapped in bubble wrap and news paper so you definitely don't have to worry about shipping damage. B)

Now for the product reviews. The case is made extremely nice and is actually light compared to how solid it feels. It latches tightly and has a nice rubber insulator going around the bottom of the case which gives your Pandora protection if it bounces around at all but with the included foam I don't think that will happen much. Even with the Pandora inside there's still little bit of extra room in the case to fit a pair of ear buds, flash drive, or a couple spare SD cards in. The case I'd say isn't pocket able unless you where cargo jeans. :D All together the case is very nice and it'll protect your Pandora from harm. The headphones I purchased I like and there really not that bad for the price. They have one of the longest cords for headphones but the best part is the volume wheel which if your Pandora's like mine it's volume wheel is very sensitive. Now one thing I found to be a little weird about them is that the left ears cord is about three inches shorter than the right ears cord. The sound quality is good for gaming but for music I'm unsure because for about 5-6 years I've had the same headphones so I might just be used to the way they sound. So as far as build quality their nice and sound quality seems good but the best part still is that they have a volume wheel.
Nice little review there, GameMaster.

And keep up the good work, Link. I don't like you much, but I must say you're doing quite a professional job on the Pandora shipping front.
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> left ears cord is about three inches shorter than the right ears cord

That's because you're supposed to run the cord around the back of your neck instead of in front of your neck (so when you take off one side it will hang around your shoulders). I'm surprised about how few people know about this.
That's because you're supposed to run the cord around the back of your neck instead of in front of your neck (so when you take off one side it will hang around your shoulders). I'm surprised about how few people know about this.
I had the same problem with one of my ear buds until a coworker explained it to me. When I started wearing them properly, every time I'd look up and to the right, the back of my neck would rip the bud out of my ear. Even casually looking left and right gradually pulled the cord tight. I ended up tying off the cord in a way that both sides were the same length and wearing it normal.
That's because you're supposed to run the cord around the back of your neck instead of in front of your neck (so when you take off one side it will hang around your shoulders). I'm surprised about how few people know about this.
I had the same problem with one of my ear buds until a coworker explained it to me. When I started wearing them properly, every time I'd look up and to the right, the back of my neck would rip the bud out of my ear. Even casually looking left and right gradually pulled the cord tight. I ended up tying off the cord in a way that both sides were the same length and wearing it normal.
So that's why the rights cord is longer never knew that, but as WizardStan said the earphone usually pops out of my ear when I tern my head with it in that way.
+1 HATE the cool new "behind the neck" style earbuds. Always ripping one of them out just looking around.

Form over function I'd say.
I've been using the metallic earbuds from the shop that don't have a volume wheel. I don't notice them falling out when I turn my head, but they occasionally need to be resnugged.
Oh, sorry Link. I didn't mean earbuds from your shop (I haven't tried them). It's just the newer around-the-neck style in general seems to have this problem.

No worries.

I haven't tried the version of the earbuds with the volume wheel, perhaps the extra weight or length causes this.