Decent Headphones For Pandora With Angled Jack For Under $40?

I got some $40 Sony earbud headphones ones last Christmas. Great quality, and a conveniently 90 degree angle. Last time I checked, they were somewhere in the $30s.
I plan on using Etymotic ER4Ps. They have a 90 degree plug, but well above your price range.
javaJake said:
I've been looking for a good bluetooth headset that doesn't require wiring, but I guess this is as good as it gets?

Ummm, I mentioned the Jabra BT8010 above? The only wiring is between the speakers which fit in each ear.
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I always use my grado sr-60's, extremely open, but extremely good. dont want anything else anymore

Defo, thanks for the link to the right angle adapter, that was what I was looking for prior to thinking about buying a new set of headphones.

Question : Do these adapter degrade the sound quality? Sorry, I don't know much about these things. :P

I like what many of you have proposed, but a few of them are just too big to carry and I have a nice big set of headphone at home.

I'm interested in that foldable one, but it will take too long for me to unfold and untangle. ;)

I'm still leaning toward the Sennheiser CX300-B. It has good reviews and at a price where I won't have to worry much about losing or breaking them.
Your milage/taste may vary but I'm very happy with my Koss porta pro's...
Linky and a other Linky

The have a great sound and I did not managed to break them yet.... :) (lifetime warranty anyway)
OpenTheBox said:
Question : Do these adapter degrade the sound quality? Sorry, I don't know much about these things. :P
It should not noticeably degrade the sound quality, especially if you are using low-end gear.
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The adapter won't degrade the sound quality, but certainly avoid headphones with an inline volume control, since that will, especially as it gets older and the connections within the potentiometer break down.
Real in ear headphones are a pain in the ass, but they do stick in a lot better than earbuds. Personally I'd get a pair of koss ksc75 or ksc35 clip ons. They sound a lot better than earbuds in the same price range, and you'd have to spend 3 - 4 times as much to get decent in ear headphones.