Update Retrobattle

Magic Sam

Forever Homebrew
Aug 10, 2007
Yuzu onsen

I have "ported" (i.e: commented out stuff in the source that break compilation...) Retro Battle to the Pandora :)

Retrobattle homepage


Many thanks to Andreas Remar who modified the source code to match our 800x480 resolution :) (press F to go fullscreen)

Many thanks also to freamon for his C/C++ Development Tools :)

Download here (click on "Télécharger ce fichier", French for download this file)

As you can see, it's a tar.gz archive... Could someone please package this up in a convenient PND file ?

For the moment, run it with: "cd retrobattle/retro/src/ ; ./retro"

Bye and thanks,

Magic Sam
I have created a PND of the game but what i have is Segmentation fault...if i run in terminal is ok (when the exe is under the dir /src otherwise is segfault). anyway you could implement pandora button control before release the game...

also i have taken an icon from the web page of YoYo game (the icon about this game of course) and i need to know from you how to fill the PXML.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<PXML xmlns="http://openpandora.org/namespaces/PXML" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PXML_schema.xsd">

<!-- please see http://pandorawiki.org/PXML_specification for more information before editing, and remember the order does matter -->

   <package id="retrobattle">

   		<author name="MagicSam" website="http://www.openpandora.org/"/>

   		<version major="" minor="0" release="0" build="1"/>


           		<title lang="en_US">retrobattle</title>



           		<description lang="en_US">retrobattle</description>



  <application id="retrobattle-retro-3823" appdata="retrobattle">

	<exec command="scripts/retro.sh"/>

	<title lang="en_US">retrobattle</title>

	<author name="devel" website="http://www.openpandora.org/"/>

	<version major="" minor="0" release="0" build="1"/>   	<!--This programs version-->

	<osversion major="1" minor="0" release="0" build="0"/>  <!--The minimum OS version required-->

	<description lang="en_US">Automatically generated description from /home/devel/Pandora/retrobattle for PND=retrobattle</description>

	<!--<icon src="path/to/icon.pnd"/>-->



  	<pic src="previews/retro.png"/>





  	<license name="GPLv3" url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" sourcecodeurl="http://www.kernel.org/default"/>



	<!--<info name="retro documentation" type="text/plain" src="/mnt/utmp/retrobattle/readme.txt"/>-->


  	<!-- http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html -->

  	<category name="Game">

<subcategory name="ArcadeGame"/>





  	<association name="Deinterlaced Bitmap Image" filetype="image/bmp" exec="-f %s"/>

  	<association name="Style sheet system crasher" filetype="text/css" exec="-f %s"/>



	<!--<clockspeed frequency="600"/>-->


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Thanks Farox for making a PND :)

The "retro" binary has to remain in its /src directory, and the final PND should have more or less the same file structure than the tar.gz.

As for the controls, they can be configured from the main menu, so I didn't think it was necessary to hard code them.

Bye, Magic Sam
Hi Farox!

also i have taken an icon from the web page of YoYo game (the icon about this game of course) and i need to know from you how to fill the PXML.xml file

Do you mean this icon:

Maybe it would be better with the original icon: http://www.remar.se/daniel/siteimg/retrobattlemini.gif :)

And as Sam said, the data path is hardcoded, it's in the TODO file to fix that... but it's nothing I'm working on.


Andreas Remar
Ok now the PND run...i have taken the icon as Andreas suggested (its cool to have the original author here..) but i noted that the choise button is cutted (the string of the last button...jump...is not visible)...se the picture of pandora screen

also this is the info i putted on PXML file

let me know if want to change something:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<PXML xmlns="http://openpandora.org/namespaces/PXML" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PXML_schema.xsd">

<!-- please see http://pandorawiki.org/PXML_specification for more information before editing, and remember the order does matter -->

   <package id="retrobattle">

       	<author name="MagicSam" website="http://www.openpandora.org/"/>

       	<version major="" minor="4" release="0" build="1"/>


               	<title lang="en_US">Retrobattle</title>



               	<description lang="en_US">Retrobattle is made to look and feel like the classic arcade-style NES games, such as Ice Climber and Clu Clu Land.</description>



  <application id="retrobattle-retro-3823" appdata="retrobattle">

	<exec command="scripts/retro.sh"/>

	<title lang="en_US">retrobattle</title>

	<author name="Andreas Remar" website="http://remar.se/andreas/retro/"/>

	<version major="" minor="4" release="0" build="1"/>   	<!--This programs version-->

	<osversion major="1" minor="0" release="0" build="0"/>  <!--The minimum OS version required-->

	<description lang="en_US">Retrobattle is made to look and feel like the classic arcade-style NES games, such as Ice Climber and Clu Clu Land.</description>

	<!--<icon src="path/to/icon.pnd"/>-->


  	<pic src="previews/screen1.png"/>

  	<pic src="previews/screen2.png"/>



  	<license name="GPLv2" url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" sourcecodeurl="http://www.kernel.org/default"/>


	<info name="Retrobattle readme" type="text/plain" src="/mnt/utmp/retrobattle/readme.txt"/>


  	<!-- http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html -->

  	<category name="Game">

<subcategory name="ArcadeGame"/>





  	<association name="Deinterlaced Bitmap Image" filetype="image/bmp" exec="-f %s"/>

  	<association name="Style sheet system crasher" filetype="text/css" exec="-f %s"/>



	<!--<clockspeed frequency="600"/>-->


This looks nice, is there a PND already somewhere to download?
Pretty cool game, thanks guys. :) Appreciate the fact that the original author helped out with an 800x480 mod.

I know these points have been mentioned, but I'll mention them anyway as they were my first impressions (before I read the thread):

- Screen cutoff means a bit of guesswork mapping buttons

- Even though buttons are mappable, this is really a throwback to keyboard-only days. We've got the controls, so might as well map some defaults. X for fire and B for jump would be as good a default as any, and d-pad of course.

- Fullscreen mode by default would be nice

It only takes a second for the user to sort out the last two items, but it would really feel like an extra bit of polish if they were already done. It already feels right at home on the Pandora - these final tweaks would make it feel like it was written for it. :)

And just a personal preference thing, but maybe it's messing with the vision of the game - I'd like it if things moved a lot faster. Those stumpy little legs don't run very quickly!
Already gave my feedback at http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=retrobattle , but as the repo has (yet) no notification system, I raise it here again.

My review:

+ Simple but addictive gameplay

+ Retro gfx & snd

+ Save ammo approach (instead of mindless shooting)

- App does not remember settings, and defaults are not Pandora-optimized. Thus rating it 3. If this is improved, I'd give it a 4!

Inquiries, exactly the same as Gruso's! So I think there is user consensus on them!

  • Remember key bindings & fullscreen setting (via appdata).
  • Better defaults (more Pandora-like):
    Fullscreen ON;
  • Keyconfig: Change: START to start, A jump, X shoot; Keep: arrow-buttons move, P pause/resume.
[*]Keyconfig: One cannot see 4th parameter (must be JUMP), plz fix layout accordingly!
Hi guys :)

Sorry for the late reply, I'm quite busy with real life atm...

Thanks for the kind words and interest in this game, it's really appreciated :)

Unfortunately I don't have much free time right now, so I don't plan to update this game anymore :(

My coding knowledge is also very limited, and I really don't know how to fix stuff like persistent settings, default mapping and full screen... :(

I'll see what I can do but I can't promise anything. If someone would like to keep on working on this game, I'd hand over important files (modified source code + Andeas Remar patch) and transfer maintainer rights on the Repo immediately.

EDIT: I've just sent Andreas Remar a mail about the various issues the Pandora port has, let's hope he can help me fixing them :)

Bye and thanks again,

Magic Sam
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1) Thx for your response!

2) I won't take over the project. Any volunteers, to add those small dev fixes?
Hi all !

Wow, how time flies... almost 3 years since last post...

I gave Retrobattle another try, and it's still compiling flawlessly with @ptitSeb 's Codeblocks :)

Last time I played with it, I managed to set the game to fullscreen and use the Pandora keys by default, thanks to @notaz ' improved SDL :)

I'll try to reproduce these really simple hacks, package the game and push it to the repo ASAP...

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all :)

New PND is available here (beta version, build #3) !



- New 1.0.0 version from Andreas Remar
- Built with @ptitSeb 's Code::Blocks
- Game is now fullscreen and uses Pandora buttons, thanks to @notaz ' Improved SDL

EDIT: (X) to jump, (B) to fire

- I managed to make the PND myself this time, leaving poor @Farox unemployed :p

Known bugs:

- can't create .config directory in /mnt/utmp/retrobattle-magicsam: hi-scores and configuration are not saved (fixed in build #3)
- the game freezes sometimes, often at the very beginning of a new level...
- a white blinking dot may appear in the level sometimes. It'll stay on screen, even after a "game over". You'll have to exit the application in order to get rid of it.
- some pieces of the level seem to be drawn in places where they shouldn't be. I noticed it twice, every time in the upper left corner.

EDIT: @ptitSeb : would the HIScores part of your Arkanoid tutorial do the trick ?

TODO list:

- recompile with "-g" flag for debugging symbols (fixed in build #8)
- solve those known bugs
- add the game's manual in the "Documentation" menu (fixed in build #4)
- add C4A support ? (fixed in build #6)
- make the music play a little bit louder than the SFX ? (fixed in build #8)
- re-arrange the screenshots, make the first one more illustrative (fixed in build #4)
- repackage properly (package section is missing, so are GPL and source code details) (fixed in build #4)
- unbind the "F" key for fullscreen mode (conflicts with @notaz ' improved SDL)
- customize the controls even more: bind [Enter] to the Start button, [Esc] to Select, etc...

Please give it a try and report any bug you may find here :) When everything is OK, I'll push the PND to the repo.

Cheers, Magic Sam
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Try adding this to the end of your mksquashfs command -all-root -force-gid 0

Example: mksquashfs pnddata pnddata.sqfs -all-root -force-gid 0

Should let stuff save to appdata.