Reordering Deadline

Just sent my bank order in about 45 minutes ago.

I arrive home to finally receive my email asking me to re-order. Looks like they're almost all sent out now..
I still haven't received my refund(payed by visa). I'm planning on using the money I get refunded to pay for the new order.

What do I do? :o
Celvin said:
I still haven't received my refund(payed by visa). I'm planning on using the money I get refunded to pay for the new order.

What do I do? :o
Check your credit card log. The re-fund may have been dated back.
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mali said:
Celvin said:
I still haven't received my refund(payed by visa). I'm planning on using the money I get refunded to pay for the new order.

What do I do? :o
Check your credit card log. The re-fund may have been dated back.

Hmm, nope, nothing there. I know it's a hopeless situation for you guys at pandora as well, but I must admit I'm losing my patience.

Is there any way to track the money somehow?
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Celvin said:
mali said:
Celvin said:
I still haven't received my refund(payed by visa). I'm planning on using the money I get refunded to pay for the new order.

What do I do? :o
Check your credit card log. The re-fund may have been dated back.

Hmm, nope, nothing there. I know it's a hopeless situation for you guys at pandora as well, but I must admit I'm losing my patience.

Is there any way to track the money somehow?

Give the ladies at OpenPandora a call. +44 191 243 2253

Or email them at,

EDIT: Maybe you didn't have to be refunded because your order was fine?
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Give the ladies at OpenPandora a call. +44 191 243 2253

Or email them at,

EDIT: Maybe you didn't have to be refunded because your order was fine?

Cool! Just got an email now. Hopefully things'll work out. Thanks for helping me out!(y)
Woohoo! Did a wire at my local bank yesterday, international transfer only cost me $20 USD, I paid exactly what I was refunded, and because of the current conversion rate, I think OP actually got just as much money in pounds, so I don't feel like they're being short changed, which is cool.

Anyway, Jacquelyn confirmed my payment today!!! Is it March yet????



How about now???

I just received an email from Debs ( with my order number in the subject line having all the information about the reorder deadline and the bank details that this money can be send to via Bank transfer.

As I have made my reorder payment long ago using Bank transfer that email confused me making me think that they lost my details which is a little bit distressing.

Did everyone receive that email?

I hope there is no confusion :(
Ikarus said:
As I have made my reorder payment long ago using Bank transfer that email confused me making me think that they lost my details which is a little bit distressing.
I don't know if everybody received it, but some people who had already paid via transfer have also received the new email in error. If you got a confirmation email when you originally paid via transfer, then you're 100% fine and do not need to do anything. If you didn't get a confirmation email, then PM me with your details and I'll track it down.
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Helo to you all guys, Craig and team

I must admit I am a little bit confused here, and might need somebody to explain me what's going on. I havent been much present to the forum as a writer but read from time to time all the postings regarding the reordering issues, credit cards etc.

I am a product designer myself and perfectly understand what sort of pressure Craig and the team are suffering, prototypes, delays, tweaking etc. The usual stuff for people who deal with the manufacturing of a product. So I am not complaining about the delays whatsoever.

But: I have placed my order (like many others) on September the 30th with a normal VISA card. After the confirmation I have received no further communication. When many people started to receive the 'infamous email' I did receive none and felt I was safe. I got another email recently (Jan 27th) advising me of the various re-ordering options. I thought well fine but I checked through my CC account bills (from september 08 including the recent jan 09 extract) on line and didnt see the sum I have spent on september (213.99 GBP) coming back home.

Now, far from complaining, I just need to know what's the deal. I am willing to support the pandora project, surely would like to reorder but not willing to pay twice without knowing what happened to the first couple of hudreds quids already paid.

Thanks for anybody who will enlight me.

Hmm, maybe you were one of the lucky ones who didn't require a refund in the first place. The re-order emails have gone out to some people who didn't need to reorder - just a few anomalies amongst the thousands of emails going out.

Your best bet is to contact the team (openpandorasales at gmail ) with all your original order details, and ask them to confirm your status. Failing that, Chip will be the one to answer your question here when he's back online. :)
I'd have said the same. :)

If you don't hear back in a day or two, PM me with your email address and order number and I'll see what I can do to get you sorted out.
Whereas I haven't seen a reorder email since November - emailing OP themselves really does seem to be the quickest and surest way of ironing out the bumps :)

thanks for the quick replies. I will do as you advised.

Chip, thanks, I will pm you if I don't get any reply in, say, 3 or 4 days.

Chip said:
Ikarus said:
As I have made my reorder payment long ago using Bank transfer that email confused me making me think that they lost my details which is a little bit distressing.
I don't know if everybody received it, but some people who had already paid via transfer have also received the new email in error. If you got a confirmation email when you originally paid via transfer, then you're 100% fine and do not need to do anything. If you didn't get a confirmation email, then PM me with your details and I'll track it down.
Thanks for the quick response Chip .
Yeah I did get a confirmation email from Jacqueline :), 2 days after I send the money via Bank Transfer.
I also send that confirmation email to Debs (the person that send me the reordering deadline email), so hopefully everything will be fine :P.
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I'm back from my bank, Caisse Desjardins. Talked with the little lady and everything was done in 20 minutes. She was even saying that the fees would be around 10$ (which is 20$ less then what another lady told me earlier, but maybe it was just a part of the fees).

Anyway, it's been quick and easy. Just a shame that I wasted time registring with Tranzfer.

can't wait to get mah :pandora1: !

just so you know
well ive been point blank told there is no re order credit card link. The will make me a priority in 2-4 months time.

Now thats customer service!

Cheers pandora team!