New Orders

int main()

std::string boards = "boards";
std::string boardsMeaning;

//Craigix really needs to update his brain so we can use std strings, rather than having to pass a c-style string. Its also a very poor function, it should use a return type
craigix.explainMeaning(boards.c_str(), boardsMeaning.c_str())

if(boardsMeaning == "final boards")
std::cout << "FUCK YEAH" << std::endl;
return 0;
std::cout << "Why the hell would they order 6000 prototype boards? << std::endl;
return 0;

//This line *should* never be executed
return 0;


To compile this, you're going to need to link to libcraigix and include the "craigix.h" header.
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'Alpha2' said:
... you know assuming we can't get that missile strike plug-in to work in linux.
Isn't that a mini game in PandoraPanic?
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The emails went to the second 6000 on the list, not the original 6000.

There could be a slight bit of overlap though from around the week of the original email.
'Wolfsclaw' said:
So this will mean the theory of having my Pandora in my hands in about mid-April is still up to date?
i would like to know this too. :P

the devs usually shift the date at the end of the month before the specified month afaik so we'll see.

:pandora1: :)
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'craigix' said:
The emails went to the second 6000 on the list, not the original 6000.

There could be a slight bit of overlap though from around the week of the original email.
That confused me a bit because I got two copies of the buy the spares email and the check I sent hasn't been cashed.

I'm not really worried as I did get a confirmation email indicating that my check was received, but it does seem odd to me that I received not just one but two emails.
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Mine is ordered... :D :D :D
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'Username' said:
Were we already supposed to receive the email? I didn't get it yet...
I think they're manually responding to everyone so you've to wait and hope, So I will ;)
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Monk said:
Alpha2 said:
I mean honestly what would be the harm if they DID fail?

The FCC and CE guys go "hey, you`re shipping a product we expressly told you wasn`t ready for shipping. Here`s a hefty fine and we`re pulling your product and blocking all possibility of you shipping your product in the near future until we can do a really, really, REALLY, like put-on-the-rubber-gloves-turn-your-head-and-cough thorough inspection. Shouldn`t take more than a year or two. Three tops!"
Sure that`s the worst case scenario, but lets assume the truth falls some where inbetween that and "no one finds out", What does failing the testing mean for the device? do they think it gives off harmful radiation? Does it get into wifi networks by circumventing security?

Sure the redtape says they have to follow the rules but what danger is there to the world if it does get out without being tested an no one notices? I`m pretty sure the world wont end if it does.

That way madness lie - and, indeed, potentially the end of the world.

I can hear it now...

Banker1: So what if this one financial deal doesn`t pass the official risk evaluation? I`m pretty sure that if it fails and we push it through ANYWAY it won`t be the end of the world.

Banker2: {looks around nervously}Well, OK, we can do just one slightly iffy deal for you - then we`ll do one for me. No-one will ever know...

and where did THAT lead? Chaos! Anarchy! Dogs living with cats! Damness, MADNESS I say!

More seriously, why IS there red tape if not to ensure a certain minimal level of safety and quality? How crap are so many goods that MEET CE certification? Would "shipping products that failed testing" really be a good trend?

If meeting CE certification hasnt really stopped products from being crap, then wouldn`t that put into question the relevancy of those tests? If the airline still has to tell me to turn off my PSP before we land I have to wonder just how much of a help it is. From the sound of it, if a bunch of terrorists get on a plane and leave their cellphones on then we`re likely to see another 9/11. If that`s not really the case then how big a deal is it really? That`s not to say I dont see a need for testing in general, I mean all products should be tested to see if they`re going to explode and set fire to someone's face, I just question whether a test that takes 10 days (or less) can prove it will do that or not.

sverm said:
Alpha2 said:
... you know assuming we can`t get that missile strike plug-in to work in linux.
Isn`t that a mini game in PandoraPanic?
One would hope!

Any way, if it can ship as parts without passing testing that just seems like a weird loop hole to me, How hard will it be to snap together wanyway because I suck at soldering.
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'Alpha2' said:
Any way, if it can ship as parts without passing testing that just seems like a weird loop hole to me, How hard will it be to snap together wanyway because I suck at soldering.
It has been said that all the components passed CE-tests individually, so it would be okay to sell them unassembled.

From what ED wrote in the German forum CE-testing should be done very quickly. He does it "basically himself" at friend's friend's lab. Drive their, do the tests, drive home. Sounds like it could be done in one day.

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Alpha2 said:
If that`s not really the case then how big a deal is it really?
The media and "public knowledge" might suggest that radio signals from, say, a cell phone can cause damage to electronics. The truth is actually a lot more mundane and easier to prove. Put your cell phone next to a speaker and send a text message to it. Note the beeping, clicking, and buzzing? Now imagine 300 similar signals all at the same time. Now imagine you're a pilot wearing a headset that has to listen to it all while trying to keep a plane steady at 30'000 feet.
It's something like that. The cockpit is supposed to be shielded, but no shielding is 100% effective, and do you really want to take a chance on annoying the person responsible for keeping a giant metal bird in check for several hours?
It's also been proven that idiots on cell phones are 358 times more likely to die "by accident" when confined with others for several hours. It's science!
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Okay so then it's a queston of how many of those annoying morse code sound beeps and blips could get out an interfere once it's all put to gether, fair enough.

if it fails and gets sent out can a fix be sent to everyone that gets theirs (like maybe adding some kind of extra sheilding inside?) or would it really mean something has to get re-engineered and people have to actually becareful where they use it?
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I hope my check gets there soon :unsure:
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Yep. And even IF it fails CE testing - it can be sold.
As long as it is not in one piece.
So basically, release it as a kit (board, case, mat, screws) with instructions how to put it together and it won't need CE.
I don't think it will fail the CE test, though :)

Hopefully it will fail the test :ph34r:
Anyway, I want to get my Pandora as a kit. Do you know LEGO? :lol:

(btw: no one there to fix the escaping-error this board has? shouldn't be that hard!?)
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