Rename The Gpx2!

Maybe something like HMUEPHP, HyperMegaUltraExtremePowerHardcorePortable. :)

I've voted for GamePark Apollo according to name of Greek god.

Do you thing, If they will not change the name it mean, the person who written GPX2 is the winner? :D
lol horscht :P

i'v entered gpx2.... i like the name and it has much to do with the device.

They shouldnt change it.
But ill enter some other names too ;P
Oh dear, this better not be the beginning of GP messing this console up.

I liked GPx2, everyone has got used to it, its been reported on loads of tech websites and has a lot of matches on google, people register domains for it... THEN they rename it.


I'd recommend just submitting gpx2 and maybe they will get the message.

GPX2 has already been submited 2 times. I'd rather keep the name, too.

EDIT: ah, what the hell! I'm gonna submit it a third time :D
craigix posted on Aug 3 2005 at 03:09 PM said:
I liked GPx2, everyone has got used to it, its been reported on loads of tech websites and has a lot of matches on google, people register domains for it... THEN they rename it.

I presume they can't use the GPx2 name. It's very similar to GP32 and if Gamepark owns the trademark, GPH couldn't use it.
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aw, crap! They want more than 3 letters, I can't think of anything to fill in SPS other than Steaming Pile of Shit(and what's the point if it's not called that anyway, eh?), and I have no other ideas... grr :angry:
Horscht posted on Aug 3 2005 at 01:29 PM said:
how about USPS. The U stands for Ultimate.

it sounds too.... "postal" :P
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dont you dare stealing my price ! ;P

but really they should keep the gpx2 name... tell them that craigix !!! :P

and make them send me my gpx2 ;P
craigix posted on Aug 3 2005 at 01:09 PM said:
Oh dear, this better not be the beginning of GP messing this console up.

I liked GPx2, everyone has got used to it, its been reported on loads of tech websites and has a lot of matches on google, people register domains for it... THEN they rename it.


I'd recommend just submitting gpx2 and maybe they will get the message.


yeah I loved & used to talk about GPx2 now,
so sad that they want to change it!
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Alright, I got a few ideas now... let me know what you think of 'em. Check out The Katana, The Scythe, and USPS.
I wonder why they don't want 3 letter names? It's sort of become a standard for game consoles to have a 3 letter abbreviation (nes, n64, psx, ps2, gcn, gbc, agb, gba, etc...) I entered "GP Era" but I like the sound of the "Era" on it's own better..

Magus 86 Posted Today, 08:44 AM
Alright, I got a few ideas now... let me know what you think of 'em. Check out The Katana, The Scythe, and USPS.

Ooo, the Scythe sounds really cool :D

entry #127:

GP Enis

who was that? hands up!

@davey: you got that idea from my first post in this thread, admit it! And pay me 200$!