Added Donkey Kong Jr.
Also added a column to my ghetto pages Activity Log that shows Monthly or Alltime, so you know why theres two lines per submission usually
Milkshake is working on adding the activity log to his website as well.
I'm having super busy at work, and of course home is always insanely busy for me, so I'm slowed up right now; I suspect things are goign to get extra hectic very soon for a short while.. might be a death or serious illness in an extended family member (not a relative of mine, but my wife), so may get nuttier ... aaah, life!
I plan on adding a half dozen more games relatively soon, and then be quiet a little while as I rework some of the server internals and design; ie: its really a working prototype right now, but to keep growing it, I shoul redo some of the internals to make it more scalable. I'd like for a single server to accept scores from (say) desktop and raspberry pi and such, and keep it in one database; then maybe add some filter checkbuttons to the website or somethignm, so you can get only pandora scores, or also factor in desktop scores, etc; the server generates it all dynamicly anyway, so why not make it a little more dynamic? then oyu can play against desktop people as well if you want, or keep it the same as it is now. Likewise, pure-desktop people could play other desktop people, or factor in pandora if they wanted.
Open us up to more options, without taking away anything ..
We'll see.
Oh, and yeah, I want to work on a few updates to the client .. make the flickering-by dialogs actualyl show the status they're supposed to ("getching scores.." or whatever.) instead of blanks; also handle 'offline mode' or at least 'server is hosed, lets hold onto your score and let you retry' sort of thing.
Longer term is to write up a graphical fullscreen client, instead of a desktop-looking UI one; make it like minimenu but with game marquees, say.. sort of like the c4a main milkshake website. But thats a fair bit of work, and time is ever-tight.