[Release] Compo4all MAME - ladder/scoreboard competition for classic arcade games :)

What about something like this:


Click for higher res.
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Nice. The current logo is a bit ugly, so I'm not too bothered about keeping the 8-bit aspect to it. A comment if I may though - it's not clear why the joystick is pushing left, so either have something pushing it so, or perhaps leave it centred. And typographically, that T looks just weird with the right hand rounded and apparently extended the way it is. I could understand if the top side were rounded, especially if the top left of the R was rounded to fit inside the outline in the same way. But those small niggles aside, count me as a fan.
I am really bad at creating fonts, so maybe you would like to help out or suggest a font to use.

The joystick is tilted to the left as I thought it would be a bit too boring if it is straight up, but I attached a version where the joystick and the buttons are all straight.

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Galaxian is added to the server now as well; it'll automatically show up in your C4A Launcher :)
I'm probably being dumb, but which galaxian version is it.  I have tried 3 or 4 roms none of which seem to  work.



PS - Mame of thrones is a great title

PPS - Mcobit, really like the graphic
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Wouldn't it make sense to one store your highest score on the server per game rather than 4 scores if they are higher than other people's I can see the table getting flooded with a couple of names who play alot.
I just played some galaxian and my hiscore doesn't seem to be saved :(

Edit: Just retried and it seems like no scores are saved at the moment.
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BTW: You can also edit the config file and add your panmame rom directory to the rom path, saves double roms :)
Nice one - I briefly was number 1 in Galaxian, will def try give Link some good competition over March ;)

Will try out MsPacman too, it's good to have a choice of games for the monthly high score compo but not too much choice :)

For top scores, maybe allow all scores to be shown until say the 100 slots are all full and the game is def popular, then remove player duplicates so only their highest is shown from then on ( popularity flag set to true ;) )
Also, for UI, assuming more than the compo games will be shown...

Show icon showing 2/3/... games for the next compo

Clicking any game name will load the high scores on the right, along with a launch button, rather than launching directly

Have separate compo high score vs all time high score? An existing too high score could put people off taking part, emptying the table at the start might encourage a flurry of activity
If we are talking about menudesign:

Maybe change the quit button to be on the bottom left side instead of the middle.

It might be a personal thing, but I always expect the quit button to be the last one.

Edit: Also, if you plan to reset the highscorelists, say monthly, you could add an archive for evry game where you can download old tables as pdf or view them directly.
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Is it especially particular about the version of galaxians used? Mine starts ok (with the current high score), but my score hasn't registered after two attempts.

EDIT: I see it now, but I have an admission to make re:10580 (or was it 10850?) score - that seems to be the high score already onboard in some galaxian roms..
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Big question..

When pulling down highscore to you, I guess i should pull the lowest score on the leaderbosrd .. Not highest.

With MsPac its okay since its glitching and going to 0 when you play.. But galax works right. Suddenly you only get your name up if you beat the top.

Instead you should, like mspac, get your name up if you beat the lowest guy or better


Or i could grab the middle score as the minimum..

All agree on beating lowest i guess.. Like mspac now, as galax is too hard to get any tracyion right now
The server does keep an archive of past tables.. Ie: right now its a monthly rollover and it keeps all prev months

There will definately be a UI change .. Need to be able to do all-time plus current-season scoring, and pick out of season games for play. (Season being monthly for now

Maybe you can reset the highscore to 0 for every game like mrs. Pacman and get the result of the last game and do the comparison on the server.

Edit: four people with the same hiscore in galaxian seems suspicious to me...

Could it be, that if you inject the current hiscore, don't really play, but exit out of the emu directly, the last hiscore gets synced even if it really is the score of the player, that got loaded in the hi file?

Of course this would also be prevented with resetting the hiscores to 0 on emulator startup.
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Dang no edit option showing on phone today..

For pulling a table highscore like in Donkey Kong guess i should populate it with lowest score, top score, and middle score.. That sort of thing.
If you do that, you would still have the problem to find out what score the player really did.
Generally i can figure out if/which are players real scores.. Not sure whats up with galax multi scores.. Cant get to a pc for many hours yet :)

Pulling down a zero table may be the easiest though.. Assume any non zero is legit .. But pulling down lowest on leaderboard should work just as well (dupe results in non entry)

I'll update the logic tonight maybe to do this

Maybe reset galaxian table as well?
Yes, I think that is a good idea.

Btw, milkshake got the same score as link in mrs pacman and galaxian, I bet there is something wrong with this.
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Not sure whats up with galax multi scores..
EDIT: Nope, I was wrong - recopied my rom and it doesn't have a score onboard, this was definitely a case of being awarded a scoretable position for another's score.
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