Rebirth Competition Release Thread


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Sorry to keep you waiting so long - but here they are:

All entries of the Pandora Rebirth Competition (in alphabetical order).

Feel free to download them and try them out - voting will start next weekend.

To the developers: Feel free to update your entries and do bugfixing as much as you like.

In case you are a developer who submitted an entry which didn't appear here:

Please contact me ASAP so we can sort that out and add your entry.

But enough talking - get ready to download.

Ballion by Juergen Urban (Original Entry)


Ballion is based on the C64 game Crillion. This is a Breakout clone where you have to destroy blocks with a ball.

If you copy a file music.mp3 to pandora/appdata/ballion/sound/, it will play the music. You can copy your own created levels to pandora/appdata/ballion/levels. The file for the first level is "level00". You need to extract the ballion.pnd to get the existing levels and a description of the binary format.

Download Ballion


Beta Block Quest by Stephane Hockenhull (Original Entry)


Very very very early preview/techdemo of an open world sandbox type adventure game for the OpenPandora.

Download Beta Block Quest


Caph by Liboicl


Puzzle game where the goal is to make the red object come into contact with the green object.

Download Caph


cpuVextor by johnnysnet (Original Entry)


A very simple clone of escapeVektor by Nnooo, made for the Open Pandora Rebirth Competition, written in GLBasic. Unfortunately I had the idea too late so I started to write this game about 3 weeks before the deadline. Because of this the game is very unfinshed. There are only a few levels included, only basic gameplay provided and a lack of nice background music and good sound effects.

Download cpuVextor


Deadly Caves by Don Miguel & Hahahoj & Ander Fer (Original Entry, using existing Engine)


Deadly Caves is a horror-themed game. Hear and live the creepy tale from forbiden depths of earth.

Download Deadly Caves


Dino Defense by Ian Price (Original Entry)


Dino Defense is a platform based Tower Defense style game. You have to protect the cavefolf from the rampaging dinosaurs by placing defensive units on the landscape. As play progresses you are able to purchase, upgrade and use more powerful units to destroy the dinosaur threat.

Note: The included DinoDefense.pnd doesn't work yet - use pandora-exe.pnd (also within the zip archive).

Download Dino Defense


DosBox Games Pnd Creator by thatgui (Original Entry)


A frontend to easily pack up DOS games to be played on the Pandora using Windows XP or higher.

Download DosBox Games Pnd Creator


Fall to Win by Zip & OpenConsoleTeam (Original Entry)


Fall to win is a crossover game, like a reverse Shump + reverse "icy tower".

Free inspired by a game for open consoles called "epic free fall"

Download Fall to Win


FlyerBarrage by relliker (Original Entry)


A simple moving-target shooter.

Download Flyer Barrage


Hurrican by Pickle (Port)


Hurrican is a freeware jump and shoot game that is based on the Turrican game series.

Download Hurrican


OpenDune v0.7 by Milkshake (Jake) (Port)


OpenDUNE is an open source re-creation of the popular game “Dune II”, originally made by Westwood Studios, and released by Virgin Entertainment.

Please note: Music only works with the experimental kernel 3.2

Download OpenDune


Overlay (Kill PND replacement menu) by WizardStan (David Goldsmith) (Original Entry)


Replacement for the current Zenity based kill window. Contains many extra features.

Download Overlay


Pandafe by nuhrin (Original Entry)


Pandafe is a sort of "universal" SDL frontend for Pandora games and emulators.

Download Pandafe


PandoraUnity by sirthunder516 (Original Entry)


pandoraUnity is a program/file menu. Store PNDs, Internet links, roms, and more by using plugins.

Download PandoraUnity


PND Management Suite (Original Entry)

consisting of MilkyHelper by Cloudef (Jari Vetoniemi)


MilkyHelper is a command line app to install, update and remove PND files from the repository, based on ArchLinux' Pacman.

It works on Windows, Linux and the Pandora.

The PND Manager also uses MilkyHelper.

Download MilkyHelper

and PND Manager by B-ZaR (Teemu Erkkola)


PND Manager is a tool to browse online through PNDs, install and update them.

Download PND Manager


Polyhedra by pickle (Original Entry)


Polyhedra is a 3D shooter-

Download Polyhedra


pstorytime by Anders Engström (Original Entry)


pstorytime is a logging console audiobook player based on gstreamer with a

curses interface. It stores all events like play, pause and seek together with

walltime, filename and position in file. It also autosaves the position while

playing to recover from crashes without loosing the position. This allows the

user to retrace his/her steps and minimizes the risk of getting lost.

Download pstorytime


qemu by IngoReis and mcobit. (Port)


QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator. This pnd includes the qemu i386 system emulation and a frontend.

Download qemu

Be sure to also check out the Wiki for more information!


qrizMaze by Weber (qriz) Christian (Original Entry)


You are a Pandora-Subscriber and you try to get your Pandora, but everytime you think you finally got your Pandora there is a problem, like CC suck at his job or the production is moved to germany and stuff and you have start at the beginning. Nahh, just kidding...

Download qrizMaze


RiscOS Pandora Keyboard driver by Juergen Urban (Original Entry)

This is the source code for the RISC OS keyboard driver for the Open Pandora.

This can be compiled on Linux. You need a cross compiler for RISC OS (gcc).

There is also a ArcFS archive with the installation files available (pndkbd,3fb).

This archive contains the description for the installation.

The file pndkbd,ffa needs to be renamed to pndkbd and the type needs to

be set to module (&ffb).

Download Main Archive

Download pndkbd,3fb

Download pndkbdsec,ffc


Schwerkraft by Ziz (Original Entry)


A game about gravity.

Download Schwerkraft


Slackware Linux by Linux-SWAT (Port)


An SD-Card installable, fully working version of Slackware Linux for the Pandora.

Please check the Wiki for instructions.

Download: SL4P-13.37 rootfs

Download: SL4P-13.37 build system

Download: SL4P-13.37 200+ compiled packages

Download: SL4P-current 200- compiled packages

Download: SL4P-current (unstable) rootfs


Sqr.Island by mrz (Original Entry)


Sqr.Island is a classic style Jump'n'Run written for the Pandora Rebirth Competition.

Your goal is to save the Island from an evil force trying to invade it.

Download: Sqr. Island


The 2Unready Game by QuantenMagier (Original Entry)


This is an 2unready Minigame, to use my ASCII-Game-Engine..

Download The 2Unready Game


Wicket by Clop (Original Entry)


Wicket, Wizard in trouble" is a retro-looking platform and reflexion 2D game.

Download: Wicket
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Oh man, if only I did not have a Calculus test on Wednesday. I will try every one of these Wednessday night I promise!
ED, could you fix the authors, please?

don miguel & quasist

Don Miguel & Hahahoj & Ander Fer [Gruso edit - fixed :-]

BTW Are you going to create something like a video review for the entries?

Thank you!
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Thank you ED for posting all the games. I downloaded them all and will be giving them a try.

Nevertheless, there is a mistake in one of the download URLs: In "Download Fall to Win", the link is the same one as for the above, DosBox Games Pnd Creator. Copy-Paste error :ph34r: .

=) I am very glad everyone was interested. Sadly I didn't have the time to participate. A psp emulator would have been great, wouldn't it? Maybe next time. The prices are simply Awesome.

Btw, I remember seeing a 3d shooter called "Xenoblast or No bugs allowed" whose video I liked a lot. Didn't it made it on time?

Thank you again. Excellent idea to bring attention to the Pandora. I received mine last November, and It's just marvelous. The best thing ever (apart from my better half :wub: ) worth waiting for!

Hope to decide for my vote(s) soon!! Congratulations to all the developers!

Saludos (from Mexico City),

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ED: milkyhelper and PND manager are of the same PND management suite submission, Cloudef and I are entering the compo as a team.
Very Nice line up. I know everyone came for qemu, but Beta Block Quest, and open dune were nice surprises. The new overlay kill menu was a much needed addition.
All very nice entries, now I need the time to try them all :)

Could someone fix the Names for qemu? Should be IngoReis and mcobit.

Also a link to the wikipage would be nice:

Edit: Also, for any questions, that are not answered in the wiki about QEMU, please post into the thread in the rebirth competition section.

We will try to get some pre-build images of freedos, drdos, reactos and with some freewaregames for instant playability on eds server today.

These will be announced in the rebirth competition section then.

Have a lot of fun!
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wow amazing amount of entries! thanks to everyone involved and good luck to everyone.

hey i'm up for bribe ;)
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hum, shouldn't the description contains at least the information that the work is new or a port?

without that kind of information, lots of new submission have simply no chance against huricain as exemple...
hum, shouldn't the description contains at least the information that the work is new or a port?

without that kind of information, lots of new submission have simply no chance against huricain as exemple...

I'd love to be able to play Deadly Caves. That game looks like a lot of fun. As do most of the others :) Thanks for the good work everybody who entered! :)
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