Serial Porter
Here is Reaper, a 3D futuristic flight combat simulator.
The game use glshim, and is playable on Gigahertz.
On CC, it seems the default graphic driver freeze when you loose. I haven't tried with other driver.
The keymap as been adapted to Pandora:
DPad or Left pad : direction
Left Click / {L} / {X}: Primary Fire (Laser)
Right Click / {R} / {A} : Boost
Middle Click / {B} : Secondary Fire (Missile)
{Y} : Change Missile type
F1-F8 : Change view.
I think aspect ratio of the game is wrong.
History log
Build 01

The game use glshim, and is playable on Gigahertz.
On CC, it seems the default graphic driver freeze when you loose. I haven't tried with other driver.
The keymap as been adapted to Pandora:
DPad or Left pad : direction
Left Click / {L} / {X}: Primary Fire (Laser)
Right Click / {R} / {A} : Boost
Middle Click / {B} : Secondary Fire (Missile)
{Y} : Change Missile type
F1-F8 : Change view.
I think aspect ratio of the game is wrong.
History log
Build 01
- Initial build
- Some Pandora customization (Screensize, Keymap)