Rainy Day - Game Project

Thanks Gruso ^_^

I'll also still have to do some optimisation cause it runs slower on my Pandora (600mhz) than on PC (it does run nicely at 800mhz but I can't expect people to switch to 800 just to play my game). I'm sure it has to do with some alpha/transparancy I'm using and SDL that is a bit slow with that...
Dont be silly im sure most pandora users are overclocking to 800 at least been following this for an age.
Just a short message to say the project isn't dead ;) Just worked on it a bit more this evening (added the visuals for picking a colour from a monster) and I came to the conclusion that I should really reorganise some of my code! I really hope I can work on it some more this weekend!
while thats good news, im starting to lose faith in the release of this game :{
Getting it done right is more important than getting it done fast.

I totally agree on that! ;)

I did the code reorganisation I wanted to do for quite a while :D Never really had the courage to do it but now I did! Now I'll finish the colour picking stuff, currently still using place holder graphics, which will be replaced with nice ones whenever Archibald has time :)
I'll back it! :P Just keep in mind that roughly 10% go to Kickstarter + Amazon. ...and what about taxes?

But I guess, in this case money is not the obvious issue even though probably Dragons_Slayer + Archibald would not mind getting something back for all their lovely work.
Hey guys, I have my pom-poms out and doing my "Rainy Day Ra Ra" cheer!

I hope it's a bit encouraging :mellow:

I just wanted to add a quick note, I finally got around to playing the early version of Rainy Day that was made available as a PND, and think it is very cool! Just running from one side of the street to the other, I ended up playing a few times, working out how to get the hidden items in the air and above the player at the start.

Very much looking forward to further development of this project.

Thanks for the feedback, Steve :)

I haven't been doing much programming on the game :( Been busy with work and some HTML5 programming... I should really get back to this and also try to do some of the graphics myself, else it'll never be done...
Kind of bad news... I lost one of my USB sticks a while ago which had the only copy of the latest version of Rainy Day on it :( Still have the version before I did the reorganising of the code so I didn't lose that much but still....... I really don't know when I will ever find the motivation to work on this again. I know you don't want to hear this but don't expect too much from this project, I'm working on/ thinking about other projects at the moment... :/ Though, I hope I can some day find the motivation to get back to this...