Rainy Day - Game Project

Gaawwd, how often do this happen to our beloved community devs? :( I can remember some cases of lost code, seems to be the Pandora curse or something like that.

I wish you all luck to get back the stick. And next time, please make BACKUPS, BACKUPS and even more BACKUPS. ;) Store it on the web, in a git or mail it to a friend or whatever. I couldn't live when I would lost so important stuff but my paranoid nature automaticly backups everything important more than once. ^^

Oh, and I'm sure you can get help from the community. People could help with leveldesign or stuff like that. :)
OKay, so, how many people keep their entire codebase in one place, especially an easily losable piece :(

Dude, backup, git, cvs, something next time.. not hard, especially relative to time invested into project work :)

git commit -a

-> what I did

git push projectname master

-> checks into repo, which could be on local disk, or over ssh to a remote

do it :)
It may just be too much work for 2 guys. 4 people would make more sense. there is alot of graphics and code to do for a game like this. the workload needs to be parceled out. Too much work just de-motivates a person. Why not seek some help and get more people onboard or at least leave the source code so someone else could pick it up and finish it.
Coding alone is nearly always faster than coding in a team. Graphics is easier to parallelize, but you have to be careful to keep style consistent. In my opinion the ideal game team is 3 persons: 1 coder, 1 gfx artist, 1 music/sound artist. You can add more people, but productivity will not scale linearly, more like sqrt(n).

+1 on the suggestion to release the unfinished game so other people can continue working on it. Release it as GPL so you can always build further upon other people's improvements when motivation returns.
Coding alone is faster when the code base is small and multiple people can't work on separate parts. As the code base gets larger and more disconnected parts arise, more people can jump on board.
Well, that is a bummer.

I remember there was a SVN repo though...

EDIT: Well here it is http://code.google.com/p/rainy-day/ last update 2011 oops

On team size: For small projects like we have in this community I also agree that 4 people probably is the maximum useful/maintainable size.

2 core people seems to be the optimum, I like to go with either one coder + one artist/musician or one coder/artist + one musician.

Wandor had like 6 people working on it at some point (2 coders, 3 artists, 1 musician), it probably was a good team size for the huge project we were trying to tackle, but having more people on the team also means more time has to be spent organizing and that's not an easy task, too (and requires an experienced leader).

I would rather work with 1-2 dedicated people, who I can count on, than 4 people, two of which are MIA all the time.
Dragon Slayer! Noooooo!

That's really unfortunate, this project had a lot of great things going for it and I was psyched to see more updates. Perhaps the scope of your project was a bit out of line from what was possible? Maybe with some gameplay re-organizing, focusing on something that is short but highly replayable. Totally possible.

If you want to get back into it, there is always a group here willing to cheer for you!
Rather than see this game go to waste opensource it and release the build and the source together on the repo. Other people might decide to pick it up and finish it.

3 to 4 people would be a better number. Progress would be faster and nobody would 'feel' like they are doing too much work.If you do open source it maybe also provide the game document if there is one.
Having brought this game to version 1.0 would feel sooo satisfying (especially at the quality seen in the demos)

sorry I can't code more that a few helpings of arduino C spaghetti :(

really must learn sometime...
The reason I'm not just releasing it (for someone else to finish it) is because I haven't abandoned it yet!

I always seem to forget the people that are actually looking forward to the game ^^' so yesterday I redid a big part of the reorganization of the code ;)
I'm very happy to see progress on this :)

Does saying how much we would like this finished actually help, or just end up putting too much pressure on what is really a hobby project...?
The reason I'm not just releasing it (for someone else to finish it) is because I haven't abandoned it yet!

I always seem to forget the people that are actually looking forward to the game ^^' so yesterday I redid a big part of the reorganization of the code ;)
Ah good man! You kinda left a negative impression with your last update! :) Glad you have found some more motivation! :D

I know I've been pretty crap in terms of ease of contact too, but you know where I am if you need help with something ;) Especially if Penjin is giving you headaches! :D
This time ... _back it up_ ;) now! not later.. now!

Every time you do significant work "git commit -a (type 1 line description)" and "git push projectname master" and you're good (say, if you use a git on your machine or on your network or github or the like); or use cvs, or svn, or anythig at all.. literally takes a minute or two to set one up, be it local or remote :)

Or .. zip | mail yourmailaccount@gmail.com for a free backup ;)
