Rainy Day - Game Project

Thank you very much guys :D A few small changes are being made to the new level art (mainly the foreground that is too low to be visible).

I hope I can work some more on the colour beam shooting this evening :)
Yup! Will make those changes over the weekend. And work a bit on the big blue monster (that you can only kill with the magic umbrella colour projectile :) ).
good :D sorry, but there are too much things to follow on this forum, and that's GREAT !!... but... just following threads it's like a second full time job !! :P
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Not much progress on Rainy Day... :( But just wanted to post something so you know I'm still alive...
<yellingatimaginaryrandomcloud>wwwwhhhhyyyy :o </yellingatimaginaryrandomcloud>
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I'm looking forward to this game, it looks really promising! Keep up the good work, and don't hesitate to ask for help with anything! I'm sure there are many people following this thread and willing to help. I'm one of them, and I don't even have a Pandora yet!