Rainbow Panda

This is gay.

traylorpark's is not.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

P.S: You're right but also is skeezix. People won't understand.
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WOW, this whole topic was being so productive and then it just crashed and burned these last few posts, i guess you guys were out of ideas?!
i think the hearts as an optional wallpaper would be great- dont change a thing to the colorscheme; any brighter and neon might be more along the lines of what people are being so scared of us representing, also i liked the idea of having pac-man, donkey kong, things like that in the background, i would like to see distinguishable characters so they can all just be single color shapes, following the colorschemes.

Ex. reshape the hearts to all your favorite retro characters that are easily recognizable by their outer shape; without being detailed and in full color.
You know, the I <heart> <cocks> ping one there sort of rocks :)

Who says Pandora isn't a guy?


Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to destroy this thread, honest :) Proof is in my sinclair link!

I just think the hearts throw it off a little; by the same token, maybe they're "campy" which is cool, a tongue in cheek thing, but it seems to me like putting gun icons in -- sure guns are fun in quake, but they come with a lot of connotations and tend to attract one crowd (gun freaks.) Putting hearts in an ad usually means kid stuff, valentines, romance, etc, which is not really the message here. But its not a big deal as I say, just voicing what pops into my noggin.

edit: krooked's idea is solid .. too bad you can't use well known characters without getting someone sued; but the idea of switchign hearts for a pacman is awesome :)
skeezix said:
edit: krooked's idea is solid .. too bad you can't use well known characters without getting someone sued; but the idea of switchign hearts for a pacman is awesome :)
I can imagine getting in trouble for actual pictures of the characters, but silhouetted shapes of them shouldn't be sue worthy IMO.
As long as the shapes are recognisable without the details they should be safe :)
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...Maybe a little too retro-trendy ... I can't make any promises about adoption as a default, but I don't see any reason why the retail-ready distro can't include several wallpaper options. I think this could easily be one of them.

Thanks for the critique Chip. I completely agree with you; the design is bordering cliché trendy. I'm hoping that I can push to be something even more unique.

Having my work included with the Pandora would be an honor. In time, maybe I or anybody will have an identity package that the community supports and betters the broader perception of the Pandora.

I really hope you stay involved and stay persistent, traylorpark. I'd love to see your work officially adopted, whether it's for ads, box art or just wallpaper.

It's hands down the best Pandora art I've seen yet. Hearts and all.

Thanks very much Gruso! Thank you for the increased exposure from the community blog. Seeing that come up in my Google feed reader was quite a surprise.

To cappuchok

Thanks for the critique. I am still wrestling with the chosen rainbow colors. I tend to prefer muted tones over saturated, but I should forgo my knee-jerk bias and explore other possibilities.

My argument for having these abstracted colors for the rainbow, is that I want it to reference the old computers and consoles without being too literal and obvious. The Pandora is its own console now, in a wholly new era and context.

Less hearts... agreed. Will remedy. I probably will not "lose" all of them, but a reduction would be helpful. I'm going to try replacing them with other details.

Wow! You continue to amaze me; I would buy the Pandora based on the box alone ^^
I might have to play around with this...

Haha, want the blend? The texture for the Japanese apartment is coming, I PROMISE! After that, I want to create assets that specifically benefit your level editor (and have a shorter turn around time). I'm so sick of this one giant scene deal I got myself into.

to EdCa22

For that comment, I owe you a beer.

...I think I may do something... anyways looks interesting.

Would you like to know the specific colors and typefaces I am using? That is of course, if you wanted to work on designs with a similar look.

This is gay.
*image omitted
traylorpark's is not.

You put a lot of time into that piece, didn't you. I like the rainbow :wub:

Thanks everyone for your input! Your compliments AND critiques are very encouraging. However, I am surprised by many people getting negatively hung up on the "gay" aspect. Being a community that celebrates how open it is, I would hope that being "open" would also carry into being open minded. Dealing with the specifics, there are good arguments against the liberal use of heart shape, and I agree. However, I am in agreement not because of how they might appear homosexual.

The average tone of all the responses seems to equal something like, "positive, excited about direction, be wary of the trendy look, more revision necessary" and I COMPLETELY feel the same way.

I'm excited to keep working on this and to continue receiving constructive criticism.
I'm also interested in other peoples thoughts on creating a aesthetically enticing, cohesive identity package for the Pandora. My last post talked up the argument a bit more. I think it would be very beneficial. Agree? How would such an identity be displayed in the world (outside this forum)?

For the curious, its probably going to take a couple days to post any new art. Lots of other stuff to get done.

Could you update your art to have this picture minus the hearts? Obviously NOT that exact picture. I am just providing it, so that you can see for reference.

Its the typical stigma .. by even bringing it up in a reply, you look like a homophobe. (and to counter that, how many of you have been to gay pride parades with all your gay buddies? I have, so take that :)

However, there is a time and place for a message; if a lot of people construe the hearts + rainbow together as makign it a gay message, then it is likely out of place; no one questions if you're making a gay is good/bad statement. Its just not the place for making a statement about it, at all. (Which is why I made the exceedingly lame but perhaps illustrative gun icon comment.) ie: If some percentage of peopel see it as a gay thing, then it inadvertently brings the gay/not thing into the ad, when that is not at all what its about. Confuses the message.

I like what you're doing at a graphics technical level (few know I spent a few years doing graphics for newspaper ads. That was a fresh hell I need not revisit ;) You've got some wicked balance and eye flow, some really good fades and some interesting colour choices; (for some reason it reminds me of Apple ads, and also that PSP game where you tild the world to roll the blobby guys around, and the hearts make me think of Katamari :)


So feel free to regard or disregard my posts; I just thought it looked a little campy for my tastes. At the same time, Linux and Unix is always stuffy, so maybe cute things are needed to open it up a touch.

While the design is kickass (wow!) to me the colours are too dark and sad. They scream "INDIE!!!" and I cannot stand that. :P
Gay? What the fuck? :blink:

I love the color choices, the hearts and the whole concept. :) I think the official design should move into this direction.
WoD said:
And yet more, following suggestions from #OpenPandora.

I'm sorry, I just have to nitpick:

Accellerated -> Accelerated


Otherwise, looking great!
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