Rainbow Panda

PoisonedV said:
you know, the only thing worse than people going out of their way to be politically correct is people going out of their way to be not so, or points it out and whines about it every chance they get.
Yesterday I was a few hours late from work and missed a date because a manager a few levels up from me decided to lecture me and a few lucky others about H&S, because some doofus in a completely different department electrocuted themselves last week (but was not hurt in any way what so ever) and what I just described is pretty much the situation I am in if I want to even open my PC! And I'm a control systems engineer (basically all software based) so never go near electrical systems anyway!

I work at an experimental fusion reactor, so you can understand why they are worried, but it is freaking rediculous how much paperwork you need to go through to do something really really simple. And being PC, SA or whatever is a similarly rediculous situation, especially in any state funded organisation or work. :angry:

So, sorry about the rant, I guess it was on my mind and just pinged up at the first opportunity. Although, I must say p5, that from what I've seen you whine about almost anything at every chance you get! :P Kidding!
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EdCa22 said:
I wasnt serious, its just a statement thats highlights the over-sensitive world we live. Or something like that. Especially in the UK.

I probably need several pages of paper work to check that the statement I just wrote is ok with the legal department and that our backs are covered. And it should be signed in triplicate from a representative of each of the 12 layers of management so that its quite clear that we followed procedure, and also that no single person is actually taking responsibility for it if theres a cock up and we get sued.

The worst part is I'm writing this on a computer which doesnt have a little sticky label on the power chord saying that some guy tested the fuse, which is a major breach of health & safety. I mean, heaven forbid I should decide to do something crazy like change the hard disk. I'd need a risk assement, a permit to work, proof that I am suitably qualified personelle and have done training courses that are up to date and meet the latest national and international standards, I'd need a procedure that can be followed to do the actual removal and upgrade, I'd need another procedure that describes how I can proove that the unit is electrically isolted and dead before I start the work, or even open the case. Those procedures would have to be signed by someone to say they had been correctly followed, and someone else would have to do the actual work anyway because I'm not allowed to carry out the work for a procedure that I wrote. And you think I'm joking.

Sorry. /end off-topic rant
I figured as much - as for the rest... you DO realise there are people outside the Uk who think you MUST be joking, right?

And you shouldn't have said "cock up". It has sexual connotations (tsk tsk!)

WoD said:
The God of Natural Selection, if there is one, is up there crying with you (and me). Don't worry, my friend, one day we will find a way for stupid people to effectively and accidentally kill themselves again and the world will be better for it!
For as long as I can remember (since learning to drive, anyway) I have advocated the removal of all speed limits on roads nationally (though now I think of it worldwide would be good too) for about a month. I reckon I can hole up for a month, as would all other intelligent people, while the idiots whittle themselves down till only the idiots with driving skill (a tiny subset) remain.
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Monk said:
And you shouldn't have said "cock up". It has sexual connotations (tsk tsk!)

I had assumed he was referring to a rooster. I find your statement to the contrary to be highly insulting. Expect a letter from my lawyer.

(this topic is doomed and I'm not helping. I feel so dirty.) :(
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WizardStan said:
Monk said:
And you shouldn't have said "cock up". It has sexual connotations (tsk tsk!)

I had assumed he was referring to a rooster. I find your statement to the contrary to be highly insulting. Expect a letter from my lawyer.

(this topic is doomed and I'm not helping. I feel so dirty.) :(
Well. For all those unfamiliar with the term 'cock-up' i think the american english equivalent would be something like 'bo-bo'.

And yes. I somehow seem to be killing topics lately, I think maybe I need to leave the forums alone for a bit!
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WoD said:
Dead thread? Locky locky and start again if we come up with any new, shinier graphics?
You need to be more patient. Also, can we reduce the number of digressions in here?

to WoD – below this post.
I'd actually like to try and salvage this thread. There is enough forum noise and useless threads already in existence, I don't want to have another carcass.

The original question for discussion was with the importance of branding (refer to my previous posts). How prolific should it be? To whom should it be catered to? How would a brand be manifested?
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Easiest way to reduce digressions is to start a new thread. They all ultimately, like any natural conversation, trail off into complete nonsense. Best cut your losses and re-focus people in a definitive way.
I'm for rainbow, but with common rainbow colors. Sorry, but this
color set seems very oddly for me. :-/
I actually quite like it, for the most part, but the bright green on the left-hand side really doesn't sit well with the muted colours. And there's a distinct lack of blue!
WoD said:
I actually quite like it, for the most part, but the bright green on the left-hand side really doesn't sit well with the muted colours. And there's a distinct lack of blue!
Oh, you may be right. I missing yellow in the middle and blue on side. And colors are in reverse order then usual.
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I think part of the problem with that image is that is was originally saved with the wrong color profile.


This one appears a bit more accurate, and you might notice that the green fits better with the rest of the colors with a lower saturation; now the orange balances out the green. Likewise, the muted red/pink balances out the muted slightly bluish green.

Maintaining the correct colors is really difficult across programs and software.

The lack of blue ... yeah... I am doing some tests where blue is incorporated into the design... in makes for a pretty stunning contrast!


this is a test

Now the stripes' colors represent the Earth's cores! YAY! (the heart is there just to test other contrasting elements)
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I very much like the direction you're going in with these images. I ESPECIALLY like the color scheme - the rainbow colors work very well together, and the picture you posted with the rainbow ribbon and the blue clouds(?) did a nice job incorporating blues into the pictures (for me, at least). Even though I am a fan of the current Pandora blue, I wouldn't mind seeing the official Pandora color scheming (at least for advertising) be these colors. I also like the style of WoD's advert - the horizontal colored bars really work well. I think all it needs is a change to the text in the bottom left corner (describe the hardware capabilities in layman's terms) and a little bit of touching up. I'm excited for more pictures - keep it up!

P.S.: Some ideas for text, WoD: "Up to 64GB of removable storage", "Able to run Ubuntu Linux", "Access to a library of tens of thousands of games and software packages", "Community driven", etc.
That's really creative I think. I wouldn't mind having something like that as a wallpaper for my computer. (Nudge, nudge.. Wink, wink..)
Wow, traylorpark, you're doing a fantastic job. Keep it up. :)

As for the hearts, I'm not affected by them very much, but I can understand how those who are looking around at a bunch of products all at once might see the hearts and think of it immediately as a "sissy" box, or something similar. Perhaps you could replace the heart with something else? Perhaps something a bit more abstract? The hearts add some much needed "curve" to the image - perhaps something like the symmetric outlines of a water droplet hitting a smooth surface of water? You don't have to have all those elements - you could just have that initial mini-tidal wave that comes from the impact, for instance.
Do you own like a Tshirt site? These are great designs. you should submit something to woot.
That feels a little "Ubuntu" if you know what I mean. The sort of earthen community feel. I love the introduction of blue and the contrast created.

Given the news about the Pandora brand being seen as effective by some arbitrary journalists somewhere in the world, perhaps we could knock up something that plays upon that theme?
javaJake said:
The hearts add some much needed "curve" to the image...
Exactly! Thanks for putting that into words; for some reason I could not. Good suggestions as well.

PoisonedV said:
Do you own like a Tshirt site? These are great designs. you should submit something to woot.
I don't own a Tshirt site. Submitting something in the future might be a possibility, though I doubt I would do that anytime soon.

WoD said:
Given the news about the Pandora brand being seen as effective by some arbitrary journalists somewhere in the world, perhaps we could knock up something that plays upon that theme?
Well, those two journalists felt the name was clever and applicable to the product (which it was). My wish is that the name is supported by an equally clever brand. We'll see if we get there B)

Here is a quick image from my latest train of thought. Its not a final anything and still has some balance issues. However, I am considering this an indication of a direction I might want to go (whatever that means).


I am thankful to you folks for the amount of attention my efforts have received. The critiques are great and very encouraging!
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