Pyra without decent web browser?

I am using a fork of Firefox called "Light" because Pale Moon is damn out of dated but IDK if there's a big difference between Firefox, Light and Pale Moon (have no time to make performance tests).
Outdated in what way? I'm using Pale Moon as a secondary browser and it works fine for me. There was some good progress recently so if you're referring to things like videos on Twitter or accessing all resolutions on Youtube (Dash support), that stuff works now.
Hi @ptitSeb :)
But the NetSurf version on the pandora already include DuckTape ???
I don't know, I'm just glad work on JS is under way, and that NetSurf picked up Duktape for the job, as it looks like an interesting project.

EDIT: @ptitSeb : you're obviously right about Duktape, it's already part of NetSurf :) I saw a branch named Duktape and assumed it to be in separate development, and not merged yet.

Cheers, Magic Sam
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duktape is fantastic. Sure, it has no JIT, but because of that it is small, and can start running javascript earlier... and it uses so much less RAM when doing so. (also, the API is well defined and well documented and adding JS support to your C program is not too hard... doing an hello world in under a minute ... but just because you just copy paste the example :) )
I use palemoon, for normal browsing. Arora for my apps and links for getting rss and news.

If you are like me, turning off everything just to have more uptime, you open up many tabs, then disable wifi and read leisurely.

So what do I use links for?

1. Create a home directory on your SD. For example 'home'.
2. Symbolic link this home directory from your Nand's homedirectory
2.1 Open a terminal, type in "ln -s /media/mysdcardname/home"
3. Inside this home directory, create a script
3.1 cd ~/home
3.2 mkdir ~/home/tmp
3.3 mousepad


cd ~/home/temp

if [ $? -gt 0 ];then
  echo "error downloading"
  exit 1

cd -

rm ~/home/temp/index.html
F=`ls -tr ~/home/temp/index.html*|tail -1`
ln -s "$F" ~/home/temp/index.html
links -g ~/home/temp/index.html

3.4 Save and close mousepad, return to the xterm prompt
3.5 chmod +x ~/home/
4 Now we are able to run it like so:


So... when you run this, it will download the frontpage from alterslash (the Slashdot digest) and display it graphically with links (note the -g). It will also hold a history of downloaded files,
So... when you run this, it will download the frontpage from alterslash (the Slashdot digest) and display it graphically with links (note the -g). It will also hold a history of downloaded files,
Can this work for other websites too?
Looks like it should do, but beware sites that don't work unless you load half a dozen random javascript libraries before they'll do anything useful, and also those that aren't really operable in a text mode browser.

I assume links -g works much like a text mode browser in a terminal. I only really use links when my laptop is down, when I'm forced to use my build server which doesn't do graphics so much, so I've never used its graphical mode.
Can this work for other websites too?
If you mean that the wget can download everything including javascript and images... then yes.
If you mean if links can render stuff... Levi already answered that... no... no JS support so limited useability...
Anyone remember Konqueror? Apparently it's still using KHTML and is somewhat actively maintained, being the default web browser of KDE4.
Anyone remember Konqueror?
Well yes. I run Debian with KDE. And indeed, it starts fast, but for browsing... scrolling is choppier than $firefox, so I use that by default.
It has its ups: easy menu to pick if it should support cookies and javascript, java, etc.
Pale Moon would be nice, but I didn't think they targeted ARM any more. If @ptitSeb maintains it for Pyra then I'd use that. Right now it's unusably slow on my original Pandora, even when overclocked. Basically every browser is utter crap.

Firefox would have to be the default and well-supported (updated) browser, I think.. as was said earlier, a browser is by far the most critical application. Having one which is well known is very important.
Pale Moon would be nice, but I didn't think they targeted ARM any more. If @ptitSeb maintains it for Pyra then I'd use that. Right now it's unusably slow on my original Pandora, even when overclocked. Basically every browser is utter crap.

Firefox would have to be the default and well-supported (updated) browser, I think.. as was said earlier, a browser is by far the most critical application. Having one which is well known is very important.
I will do Browser testing on the Pyra, but not yet, I'm not ready. And I have also to setup a cross-compile environment to build PaleMoon on the Pyra.
(on the Pandora, you should try NetSurf, it's fast, but has some compatibitly issue with some JavaScript).
(on the Pandora, you should try NetSurf, it's fast, but has some compatibitly issue with some JavaScript).

I tried every browser I saw, and QupZilla was the only one which rendered and was also somewhat usable. It's still shockingly awful, but it works.

I've been using Pale Moon as my desktop browser for some time now, so that would be my preference. I just think a "name brand" browser would be easier for other users, even if that were a lot of work. Unfortunately I don't know enough to help. :(