Like you say, its an early develpment emulator, and its just damn impressive I could get as far as I did in FF VII and FF IX (the super short time between releases not factored in )
Re : FF VII (UK, PAL) + The FMV sequences seem a little slower, well, maybe more stuttery, ingame walking sequences seem about the same, if maybe 1 or 2 fps faster, again, fight scenes are about the same, but the game does indeed run.
Re : FF IX (US, NSTC) Game no longer loads, boots to the Published by screen, then locks the GP2X, requiring a power cycle.
Re: Wipeout 2097 (UK, PAL) Used to be able to get <>13FPS max and an AVG of 9-10 @ 280Mhz + Ram timings on PSX clock 32%, its now 10FPS max and an AVG 8-9FPS.
Re : SoulBlade (UK, PAL) Not as fast as the previous version, although I cannot confirm this due to it being one of the higher res games. (so I cannot see FPS)
Also, my gp2x hard locked on me at random times in FF VII at 280Mhz, dropped to 275Mhz and it has not frozen in over 1 hour, so if you are having problems with a game that worked before, and you overclock high, try clocking lower.