Psx Running On The Gp2x

Minkoff posted on Dec 4 2005 at 06:14 AM said:
Man, I can't wait to see what sort of quality this reaches after HH, optimization, and maybe use of the 2nd CPU.

Would 10 - 15 FPS be realistic? Not that it would exactly replace my PSOne, but that would be incredible.

But both CPUs @ 266 NhZ ... You battery will then die after 2 Hours.. I hope not
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daminator posted on Dec 4 2005 at 10:07 AM said:
Minkoff posted on Dec 4 2005 at 06:14 AM said:
Man, I can't wait to see what sort of quality this reaches after HH, optimization, and maybe use of the 2nd CPU.

Would 10 - 15 FPS be realistic? Not that it would exactly replace my PSOne, but that would be incredible.

But both CPUs @ 266 NhZ ... You battery will then die after 2 Hours.. I hope not

GPH should create a game gear like battery pack (obivously updated and smaller) I wouldn't mind the extra weight if it mean't I could be playing ff8 for hrs while travelling. I might try and create a battery pack myself, wouldn't be that difficult.

(the gamegear battery pack I'm refering to)
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Saxton_boy posted on Dec 4 2005 at 10:15 AM said:
daminator posted on Dec 4 2005 at 10:07 AM said:
Minkoff posted on Dec 4 2005 at 06:14 AM said:
Man, I can't wait to see what sort of quality this reaches after HH, optimization, and maybe use of the 2nd CPU.

Would 10 - 15 FPS be realistic? Not that it would exactly replace my PSOne, but that would be incredible.

But both CPUs @ 266 NhZ ... You battery will then die after 2 Hours.. I hope not

GPH should create a game gear like battery pack (obivously updated and smaller) I wouldn't mind the extra weight if it mean't I could be playing ff8 for hrs while travelling. I might try and create a battery pack myself, wouldn't be that difficult.

(the gamegear battery pack I'm refering to)

yeah i would not mind a battery would save us from buying tons o new batterys .And this is what i think but with more power we could over clock the gp2x well ,well i dont know i havent even got my gp2x yet
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afaik, even the main 200mhz processor hasnt been fully utilised yet, so once that has been maxxed out and the 2nd core has been too, along with o/c etc, a lot could be achieved.
daminator posted on Dec 4 2005 at 03:07 AM said:
But both CPUs @ 266 NhZ ... You battery will then die after 2 Hours.. I hope not

Both cores are being used in the Movie Player. You can get an estimate of battery life from that.
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But are they both running at 200MHz? As far as I was aware, the *reason* there was such a discrepancy between the battery life figures quoted on GPH's site and what the first units seemed to live for was because both cores were automatically being set to 200MHz when they needn't have been - including for video watching.

Which implies a lower clockspeed would be enough :)
DaveC posted on Dec 3 2005 at 07:53 PM said:
Really?  Everyone has been dreaming of slow, choppy silent unplayable "emulators"?  Why? what is the point?  I guess you can't wait for the upcomming Xbox and PS2 emulators that run at 1 frame per month  :rolleyes:
People said the same thing when cars were invented. Why use something extremely slow, expensive, loud, complicated without any terrain abilities when you can use a horse? Why go to to moon, it is too far anyway? Why discover America, it is too far off anyway? It is called progress, if everyone thought like you we would still be using stones and sticks.

Even if you think the SNES emulator on the GP32 is unplayable, the coding and experience put into it also benefits the next generation of handhelds (such as the GP2X). If there would never be another handheld other than the GP2X ever released, then perhaps it would be a bit of a waste to aim for something impossible with current hardware but just like with the car example, new hardware is released and people benefit from past experience. You just have to think longer than your nose.
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Minkoff posted on Dec 4 2005 at 06:14 AM said:
Man, I can't wait to see what sort of quality this reaches after HH, optimization, and maybe use of the 2nd CPU.

Would 10 - 15 FPS be realistic? Not that it would exactly replace my PSOne, but that would be incredible.

HH + both cpus @ 266mhz AND both used by the emulator(which will be the tricky thing there) might end in 30+ frames. The Zodiac PS1 Emulator allready runs at ~20fps and the zodiac has the exact same arm920 @ 200mhz that the gp2x has...(I'm just making guesses about the speed, I could be completely wrong and it could end in 60fps or only 25fps who knows, don't quote me :P)

However the battery life will drop greatly if you are running two cores @ 266mhz... 2-3 Hours might be the max, with the most powerfull rechargables out at the moment... -But then again, you could exchange the two batteries quite fast and have another 2-3 hours. I remember the time with my gamegear, it burnt 6 AA Alkalines within 2 hours :lol:
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There's a good argument for caves and sticks'n stones.

Sticks'n stones may break my bones, but atleast they don't do that in the name of democracy and expect me to be thankfull. :P

Hohum, still waiting for my GP2X... :(
Vimacs posted on Dec 4 2005 at 12:18 PM said:
Why discover America
I am still pissed about that one :-/

Agreed. All the Spanish should have stayed where they were, but no, one of them decided to go to China and missed. If it wasn't for that guy, we'd have a big load of ocean in between Iceland and China on our maps. And the UK would get games second, like the US does now.

(The above post is merely a joke and should not be taken seriously, and therefore should not offend any Americans.)

Jarska333 said:
Hohum, still waiting for my GP2X...

Same here. <_<
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nickspoon posted on Dec 4 2005 at 05:39 AM said:
Vimacs posted on Dec 4 2005 at 12:18 PM said:
Why discover America
I am still pissed about that one :-/

Agreed. All the Spanish should have stayed where they were, but no, one of them decided to go to China and missed. If it wasn't for that guy, we'd have a big load of ocean in between Iceland and China on our maps. And the UK would get games second, like the US does now.

(The above post is merely a joke and should not be taken seriously, and therefore should not offend any Americans.)

Jarska333 said:
Hohum, still waiting for my GP2X...

Same here. <_<

oddly enough, i agree... heh. you mentioned iceland.. heh. i love it.
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As regard battery power, I believe why it's so low is becuase the two processors are going top clock all the time.

Like in menus and in emus when the 2nd processor isn't even being used.
7 FPS, in a very very early ported release with no optimization

i would go so far as to say 15-20FPS would be attainable in the future, maybe more.

but im more interested in snes/md emu right now :)
Being realistic is good, but it is not incompatible with optimism...

Most people in this thread have so far been realistic and optimistic about the capabilities of this console. According to people who have seen the Zodiac version of this same emu, some games can reach 20FPS, by no means a shabby rate for most games. I doubt anyone expects fullspeed, sound, and massive compatibility- that's not realism, and it isn't optimism either.

Dictionary definition of "Optimism": "the tendency to be hopeful and to emphasize the good part of a situation rather than the bad part; the belief that good things will happen in the future"

And "Realism": "a way of thinking and acting based on the facts of a situation and what appears to be possible, rather than on hopes for things which are unlikely to happen"

So in this situation, optimism for this emu is that it will get better, and that the good points (like hopefully being able to play some good PSX games on it) far outweigh the bad points (that it will never reach any sort of fullspeed rates and that sound may never work for it) It is NOT the blind belief that it will be perfect, merely the expression of hope that it will be good fun, which is, after all, what this is all about. Would Zodttd be coding it, with no guaranteed returns (not sure if he takes donations or not) unless of course he charges for it in future, unless he found it fun- ,or interesting, or otherwise enjoyable/worthwile? And isn't the whole point of then playing those games fun?

Realism in this situation is to concentrate on the possible- that this emu could definitely get better- and ignore misguided, impossible hopes that it could mimic a real PSone to the extent of a PSX emu running on a decent PC, running at top FPS with full sound and near perfect compatibility.

OK, I'm sure someone can use those very same definitions as a counter argument, but that's life ;)

EDIT: Oooh! I've just become a GP32 Hardkore, without ever having touched a GP32. Now that, children, is advanced telekenesis at work :P
When the emu gets going if it's going to go about 70% speed games like:
Wroms :mellow:
Worms 2 ^_^
Hogs of war :)
legand of legaia :P
gta :D
gta2 :lol:
and ff7 :wub:
will be nice and playable. But:
rage racer
time crisis
tony hawks
and so on will be a disapointing play :(
Ferentix posted on Dec 4 2005 at 09:00 PM said:
EDIT: Oooh! I've just become a GP32 Hardkore, without ever having touched a GP32. Now that, children, is advanced telekenesis at work :P

Congrats! I've become a GP32 User, allthough I never saw a GP32 besides on webpages :lol:

I guess they should rethink the ranks :)
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Just watch it that you don't turn into an ABuser... those poor gp32s don't deserve that sort of eeevil treatment...

@Rabbits with Hats: yeah, mostly action games will be not much fun to play.

Like I've said, I played through 2 discs of FF8 with an average FPS of maybe 6-7 or maybe even less on my old computer. I still enjoyed it (though it grated a lot, it has to be said)